


Membership is paid as a one off fee at the beginning of the season, however, unlike other clubs, there is no maximum number of nights you can play as a guest, this gives those looking for more flexibility the option to "pay as you play".


Membership fees are payable by bank transfer and must be paid before the end of September; our online membership form (below) must also be completed.  The bank details can be obtained from the secretary or the treasurer.

There are no student rates.


Adult (18+)


Concession (65+)


Junior (16 & 17)


Visitors (nightly rates)

Adult (18+)


Junior  (16 & 17)


ELBA Affiliates


Benefits of membership

Overall reduction in cost to play - membership fees cover our hall hire, Yonex Aerosensa 30 feather shuttles and affiliation to our governing bodies. Affiliation to Badminton Scotland provides a number of benefits including insurance.

Selection for one of our teams and represent the club in matches, however there are additional fees for match play.

Annual club competitions - singles, levels and mixed doubles

Ad-hoc on court coaching during club nights.

Membership Form