A commonly used hacking definition is the act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorized access to an account or computer system. Hacking is not always a malicious act, but it is most commonly associated with illegal activity and data theft by cyber criminals.

Hacking in cyber security refers to the misuse of devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and networks to cause damage to or corrupt systems, gather information on users, steal data and documents, or disrupt data-related activity.

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A traditional view of hackers is a lone rogue programmer who is highly skilled in coding and modifying computer software and hardware systems. But this narrow view does not cover the true technical nature of hacking. Hackers are increasingly growing in sophistication, using stealthy attack methods designed to go completely unnoticed by cybersecurity software and IT teams. They are also highly skilled in creating attack vectors that trick users into opening malicious attachments or links and freely giving up their sensitive personal data.

This event also led Congress to pass several bills around computer crimes, but that did not stop the number of high-profile attacks on corporate and government systems. Of course, the concept of hacking has spiraled with the release of the public internet, which has led to far more opportunities and more lucrative rewards for hacking activity. This saw techniques evolve and increase in sophistication and gave birth to a wide range of types of hacking and hackers.

Black hat hackers are the "bad guys" of the hacking scene. They go out of their way to discover vulnerabilities in computer systems and software to exploit them for financial gain or for more malicious purposes, such as to gain reputation, carry out corporate espionage, or as part of a nation-state hacking campaign.

The techniques white hat hackers use are similar to or even identical to those of black hat hackers, but these individuals are hired by organizations to test and discover potential holes in their security defenses.

Grey hat hackers sit somewhere between the good and the bad guys. Unlike black hat hackers, they attempt to violate standards and principles but without intending to do harm or gain financially. Their actions are typically carried out for the common good. For example, they may exploit a vulnerability to raise awareness that it exists, but unlike white hat hackers, they do so publicly. This alerts malicious actors to the existence of the vulnerability.

Smart devices, such as smartphones, are lucrative targets for hackers. Android devices, in particular, have a more open-source and inconsistent software development process than Apple devices, which puts them at risk of data theft or corruption. However, hackers are increasingly targeting the millions of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT).

Webcams built into computers are a common hacking target, mainly because hacking them is a simple process. Hackers typically gain access to a computer using a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) in rootkit malware, which allows them to not only spy on users but also read their messages, see their browsing activity, take screenshots, and hijack their webcam.

Hacking routers enables an attacker to gain access to data sent and received across them and networks that are accessed on them. Hackers can also hijack a router to carry out wider malicious acts such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, Domain Name System (DNS) spoofing, or cryptomining.

Email is one of the most common targets of cyberattacks. It is used to spread malware and ransomware and as a tactic for phishing attacks, which enable attackers to target victims with malicious attachments or links.

Hackers are constantly on the lookout for vulnerabilities or holes in security that have not been seen or patched. Therefore, updating software and operating systems are both crucial to preventing users and organizations from getting hacked. They must enable automatic updates and ensure the latest software version is always installed on all of their devices and programs.

Spoofed websites are another common vehicle for data theft, when hackers create a scam website that looks legitimate but will actually steal the credentials that users enter. It is important to look for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) prefix at the start of a web address. For example:

Advertisements like pop-up ads are also widely used by hackers. When clicked, they lead the user to inadvertently download malware or spyware onto their device. Links should be treated carefully, and strange links within email messages or on social media, in particular, should never be clicked. These can be used by hackers to install malware on a device or lead users to spoofed websites.

Routers and smart devices come with default usernames and passwords. However, as providers ship millions of devices, there is a risk that the credentials are not unique, which heightens the chances of hackers breaking into them. It is best practice to set a unique username and password combination for these types of devices.

Only download applications or software from trusted organizations and first-party sources. Downloading content from unknown sources means users do not fully know what they are accessing, and the software can be infected with malware, viruses, or Trojans.

Having antivirus software installed on devices is crucial to spotting potential malicious files, activity, and bad actors. A trusted antivirus tool protects users and organizations from the latest malware, spyware, and viruses and uses advanced detection engines to block and prevent new and evolving threats.

"Admin" is one of the most commonly used usernames by IT departments, and hackers use this information to target organizations. Signing in with this name makes you a hacking target, so do not log in with it by default.

Creating strong, unique passwords is a security best practice, but remembering them is difficult. Password managers are useful tools for helping people use strong, hard-to-crack passwords without having to worry about remembering them.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) removes people's reliance on passwords and provides more certainty that the person accessing an account is who they say they are. When a user logs in to their account, they are then prompted to provide another piece of identity evidence, such as their fingerprint or a code sent to their device.

Users must understand the techniques that hackers deploy to target them. This is especially the case with antiphishing and ransomware, which help users know the telltale signs of a phishing email or a ransomware attack or ransomware settlements.

Other common hacker types include blue hat hackers, which are amateur hackers who carry out malicious acts like revenge attacks, red hat hackers, who search for black hat hackers to prevent their attacks, and green hat hackers, who want to learn about and observe hacking techniques on hacking forums.

Other common hacker types are cyber terrorists, hacktivists, state- or nation-sponsored hackers, script kiddies, malicious insiders, and elite hackers. Some hacker groups are very well organized and continue to find new ways to identify weaknesses and organize security penetration of large and small organizations.

The biggest hack in history is thought to be the data breach against Yahoo! The 2013 attack compromised around 3 billion people, and the company revealed that every Yahoo! customer was affected by it.

The classic example of a hacker is a cybercriminal who exploits security vulnerabilities or overcomes security measures to break into a computer or computer network to steal data. But hacking does not always have malicious intent. A consumer who jiggers their personal smartphone to run custom programs is also, technically speaking, a hacker.

Malicious hackers have built a enormous cybercrime economy, where outlaws profit by launching cyberattacks or selling malware or stolen data to one another. By one estimate (link resides outside ibm.com), this underground market is the world's third-largest economy behind the US and China.

Ethical hacking is a legitimate profession, and ethical hackers often work as security consultants or employees of the companies they're hacking. Ethical hackers follow a strict code of conduct: they always get permission before they hack, don't do any damage, and keep their findings confidential.

One of the most common ethical hacking services is penetration testing, in which hackers launch mock cyberattacks against web applications, networks, or other assets to find their weaknesses. They then work with the owners of the assets to remediate those weaknesses. Ethical hackers may also conduct vulnerability assessments, analyze malware to gather threat intelligence, or participate in secure software development lifecycles.

Specialized operating systems: While hackers can launch attacks from standard Mac or Microsoft operating systems, many use customized OSs. For example, Kali Linux, an open-source Linux distribution designed for penetration testing, is popular among ethical hackers.

Credential-cracking tools: These programs can uncover passwords by breaking encryptions or launching brute-force attacks, which use bots or scripts to automatically generate and test potential passwords until one works.

Trojan horses disguise themselves as useful programs or hide within legitimate software to trick users into installing them. Hackers use Trojans to secretly gain remote access to devices or download additional malware without users knowing.

In the early 1980s, a group of young hackers known as the 414s breached high-profile targets like Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. While the 414s did it for fun and caused little real damage, their hacks motivated the US Congress to pass the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which officially made malicious hacking a crime. 152ee80cbc

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