Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments

1-4 July 2024

Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

HAAPIE 2024 Workshop Program

Wednesday, 03 July 2024

This year we are happy to host a joint programme with CRUM 2024 (Context Representation in User Modeling) workshop, featuring 2 keynote speakers, offering an attractive blend of full, short and position papers' presentations, and rich interactive sessions for exchange of knowledge & experiences, in the cross borders of the two workshops’ thematic areas. The times in the schedule are all in CEST (UTC +2), adhering the main conference's sessions guidelines.

09:00- 09:15

Welcome and Speed Introduction

Session 1 - Keynote & Papers Presentation

Session Chair: Dipto Barman, Trinity College Dublin

09:15- 09:40

Keynote: Unraveling the context of context

Christine Bauer 

EXDIGIT Professor of Interactive Intelligent Systems at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces (AIHI) at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS), Austria

Abstract: We are increasingly developing sophisticated systems which are aware of the context that they are used in, and intelligently adapt their behavior to this context. This keynote delves into the essence of ‘context’, acknowledging its diverse conceptualizations in literature, ranging from ‘any information’ to a few categories. Despite acknowledging that the relevance of context is domain-specific, it often remains unclear what is relevant specifically. Technically, context representations aim to objectively capture measurable context elements. However, practical significance often lies at a different abstraction level, where a context element’s relevance and meaning may shift based on how other context elements manifest. For instance, spacial coordinates have no immediate connection with the real word; their relevance and meaning are defined by what is there else. An individual’s (past) experience further complicates relevance: Is it an arbitrary house or is the one where you grew up? Do you currently live there? It context could become more intricate if a stranger enters that house. In this keynote address, I will embrace the subtleties of context, emphasizing that the compound of context elements matters, and underscoring that objective context representations may often only serve as proxies for truly significant experienced context.

Short bio: Christine Bauer centers on interactive intelligent systems, where she integrates research on intelligent technologies, the interaction of humans with intelligent systems, and their interplay. Central themes in her research are context and context-adaptivity. In recent years, she worked on context-aware recommender systems in the music and media domains. The core interests in her research activities are fairness and multi-method evaluations. She has authored more than 100 papers and holds several best paper awards and many awards for her reviewing activities. She is on the Editorial Boards of ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (TORS) and ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS). Further, she is co-organizer of the Workshop series "Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems (PERSPECTIVES)" at RecSys 2021-2023.

09:40- 09:55

Characterising Gabs in Personalised Planning Support for Students with Autism (HAAPIE - F)

Robin Cromjongh, Maria Młocka, Almila Akdag, Judith Masthoff, Hanna Hauptmann

09:55- 10:10

Affective News Framing: Comparing the Impact of Emotional Reframing in Economic News Between a Large Language Model and a Human Journalist (CRUM - S)

Jia Hua Jeng, Gloria Kasangu, Alain Starke and Christoph Trattner

10:10- 10:25

Exploring Personalized Social Comparison in Online Education (HAAPIE - F)

Kamil Akhuseyinoglu, Emma McDonald, Aleksandra Klasnja Milicevic, Carrie Demmans Epp, Peter Brusilovsky

10:25- 10:55

Coffee Break

Session 2 - Papers Presentation

Session Chair: Ben Steichen, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

10:55- 11:10

Navigating Serendipity – An Experimental User Study On The Interplay of Trust and Serendipity In Recommender Systems (HAAPIE - F)

Irina Nalis, Tobias Sippl, Thomas Elmar Kolb, Julia Neidhardt

11:10- 11:20

Harmonizing Ethical Principles: Feedback Generation Approaches in Modeling Human Factors for Assisted Psychomotor Systems (HAAPIE - S)

Miguel Portaz, Angeles Manjarrés, Olga C. Santos

11:20- 11:35

Using Large Language Models for Adaptive Dialogue Management in Digital Telephone Assistants (HAAPIE - F)

Hassan Soliman, Milos Kravcik, Nagasandeepa Basvoju, Patrick Jaehnichen

11:35- 11:45

Towards Integrating Human-in-the-loop Control in Proactive Intelligent Personalised Agents (HAAPIE – S)

Awais Akbar, Owen Conlan

Session 3 - Interactive, Keynote & Closing 

Session Chairs: Alok Debnath, Trinity College Dublin & Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska

11:45- 12:10

Are We Losing Interest in the Context of Recommendation? (CRUM – P)

Laurens Rook, Markus Zanker, Dietmar Jannach

Engage & Interact

All participants

12:10- 12:20

Closing Keynote: Context Representation in User Modeling

Owen Conlan

Professor, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin

Abstract: There has been a huge amount of research on personalisation. It has also moved well beyond the research lab and is widely used in real world applications, websites, and much more. A model of the user and their context drives that personalisation. This, like many other forms of AI, have typically been inscrutable. This is because system builders have failed to prioritise the design of their systems so that the user can scrutinise the key elements of the personalisation process: the data used, the time and context of that data, the user modelling process and the personalisation. As the broad public increasingly calls for better understanding and control of smart systems, we need to establish ways for system builders to focus on scrutability from the design foundations, right through to system building and deployment. This talk will outline a vision for ways to do this, drawing on my team's previous work across diverse areas, ranging from learning, recommenders and smart buildings.

Short bio: Owen Conlan is a Professor in Computer Science at the School of Computer Science and Statistics, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Discipline, and Co-director of the Trinity Centre for Digital Humanities. As an active member of the Artificial Intelligence discipline and the Knowledge and Data Engineering research group, he has over 220 publications and a h-index of 30, with ~3800 citations. Elected as a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 2015, he is recognized for his innovative approaches to personalisation and comparative evaluation techniques. He has chaired major conferences like UMAP 2015 and Hypertext 2021, and will chair ACM’s Web Conference in 2027. He has secured approximately €10.8m in research funding and co-founded ADAPT, a €50 million Global Centre of Excellence for Digital Content Technology. Leading a team of 10 researchers, his work focuses on user control over personalised AI-driven systems. As a passionate educator, he engages in all facets of student development and aim to empower users in interacting with complex knowledge and media.

12:20- 12:30

Final Discussion & Best Paper Announcement 

All participants

12:30- 14:00

Lunch Break