Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments

26-29 June 2023

Limassol, Cyprus

HAAPIE 2023 Workshop Program

Monday, 26 June 2023

This year HAAPIE is an On-site event! We have the honour to host 1 keynote speaker, 1 interactive session, and offer an attractive blend of presentations, exchange of knowledge & experiences. The times in the schedule are all in EEST (UTC +3, CEST +1), adhering the main conference's sessions guidelines.

09:00- 09:15

Welcome and Speed Introduction

Session 1 - Keynote

Session Chair: Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska

09:15- 10:00

Keynote: Towards Meaningful, Relevant and Unique Information Visualization Experiences (recording)

Panayiotis Andreou

Associate Professor in Data Management, Co-founder and Director, InSPIRE Research Centre, UCLan Cyprus, Pyla-Larnaka, Cyprus

Abstract: Nowadays users are more willing to share their data, such as their personal profiles, preferences, and their interactions. Data analytics systems in turn, analyze this data and turn them into useful insights that can improve user experience and create long-lasting end-user relationships. Data visualization is among the most powerful tools utilized by analysts to understand and interpret these insights and translate them to effective decisions. However, the ability to quickly understand and interpret information is often affected by the data analysts’ unique characteristics and traits, which go deeper than traditional characteristics, such as demographics, business role and expertise. Even though business analytics tools have made a significant progress to deliver immersive data visualization environments for improving users' efficiency and effectiveness, they still do not consider the individual differences in the core process that influences the visualization structure, encoding, and readability. 

This talk will discuss how systems can leverage the users’ individual differences to deliver human-centered by-design adaptations for end-users. Such approaches can go beyond offering one-size-fits-all personalized experiences (e.g., grouping user data and finding similar patterns), implementing systems that can produce meaningful, relevant, and unique experiences, tailored for each user individually. The talk will also show a prototype adaptation engine that aims to improve the comprehension of data visualizations by delivering personalized content (visualization type and adaptation of visual elements), which in turn leads to improved accuracy and time-to-action efficiency. The proposed adaptation mechanism is evaluated using 45 professional business analysts from multiple industry sectors. The results suggest that individual differences can play an important role in the adaptation process of data visualizations enhancing analysts' comprehensibility and decision making.

Short bio: Panayiotis Andreou is an Associate Professor in Computing and the Course Leader of the MSc Data Analytics at the School of Sciences at UCLan Cyprus. He is also a founding member and co-director of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Science Promotion and Innovative Research Exploration (InSPIRE). He received his PhD from the University of Cyprus in 2011. His thesis received the 2012 EWSN 2012/CONET best PhD Academic Award. He was also a Marie-Curie post-doctoral researcher at ID-Mind, Lisbon, Portugal in 2012 and at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus 2011-12. His main research interests include Data Management and Analytics in Networks and Systems, Adaptive Computing and eHealth and AAL. He has a strong theoretical and practical background with data management algorithms and extensive experience in the design, development and deployment of software systems both in the context of research projects (National or European) and industry projects. Panayiotis has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals related to these areas.

Session 2 - Papers Presentation

Session Chair: Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska

10:00- 10:25

* Best Paper *

Driver model for Take-Over-Request in autonomous vehicles (F)

Ankica Barisic, Pierre Sigrist, Sylvain Oliver, Aurélien Sciarra, Marco Winckler

10:25- 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00- 11:25

Virtual Reality Health Education to Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorder and Chronic Low Back Pain in Formal and Informal Caregivers (F)

Maria Matsangidou, Theodoros Solomou, Cecilie Høegh Langvad, Katerina Xinari, Ersi Papayianni, Constantinos S. Pattichis

11:25- 11:45

Children on ChatGPT Readability in an Educational Context: Myth or Opportunity? (S)

Emiliana Murgia, Maria Soledad Pera, Monica Landoni, Theo Huibers

11:45- 12:05

Not Facial Expression, nor Fingerprint – Acknowledging Complexity and Context in Emotion Research for Human-Centered Personalization and Adaptation (S)

Irina Nalis, Julia Neidhardt

12:05- 12:25

“Who are you?”: Identifying Young Users from a Single Search Query (S)

Benjamin Bettencourt, Assoumer Redempta Manzi Muneza, Michael Green, Samantha Anguiano, Jerry Alan Fails, Casey Kennington, Katherine Landau Wright, Maria Soledad Pera

12:25- 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00- 14:20

Towards Human-Centric Psychomotor Recommender Systems (S)

Miguel Portaz, Angeles Manjarrés, Olga C. Santos

14:20- 14:40

Recommender Systems in Continuing Professional Education for Public Transport: Challenges of a Human-Centered Design (S)

Jose Alejandro Libreros, Cindy Mayas, Matthias Hirth

Session 3 - Viewpoints & Reflection

Session Chair: Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska

14:40- 15:15

Interactive Session: Recent AI Breakthroughs and their Influence on Human Aspects in Personalization

All participants

15:15- 15:30

Final Discussion & Best Paper Announcement 

All participants

15:30- 16:00

Coffee Break