About the game

Gyrus - Rivalry of the Gods

When you have nothing to lose but yourself.


So like, imagine this. A peaceful world is screwed over by a few dumbass Chaos Gods who fuckin' suck (not like that) the world of its energy to create gigantic death machines to suck (still not like that) even more of the world's energy, all to get thiccer and stronger. Meanwhile you, absolute virgin vs these Chads, are in a dumbass town getting your energy sucked out. Pretty much all you can do is sit your ass down and let it happen.

OR, how about instead of that, you get selected by a God, get God fueled (wink wonk) power, then absolutely wreck the chaos Gods and their dumb creations and take back this world.

Your choice kid. Good luck.


In short -

You can walk (impressive), hit shit (alright), hit things HARDER (nice), Dodge attacks (handy), Flirt with Gods (maybe), Find yourself in randomized dungeons (where am I), Cry (like usual) and power up yourself or the town (depends on how selfish of a fuck you are).

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