Past events


Organizers and case introduction:

Taran Hellebust (Med Phys) & Kjersti Bruheim (Onc), Oslo University Hospital (NO)


Kathy Han (Rad Onc) & Tony Tadic (Med Phys), Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (CA)

Martin Buschmann (Med Phys), University Hospital Vienna (AT)

Zdenko van Kesteren (Med Phys), Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (NL)

Gry Haaland (Onc), Haukeland University Hospital (NO) 

Gyn-SMART Winter Edition

8 February 2024

Adaptive strategies in radiotherapy of locally advanced cervical cancer


Summary: In radiotherapy, inter-fraction deformation of pelvic anatomy during EBRT vary widely between cervical cancer patients. Population-based margins may therefore result in compromised target coverage and/or less normal tissue sparing.

In this webinar we will address adaptive radiotherapy of cervical cancer. An introductory lecture about different alternative adaptive strategies will be followed by a case-discussion, where representatives from four hospitals present their adaptive approach. 

Moderator: Sofia Spampinato

Registered: 156

Countries: 31



Alexandra Taylor (Clin Onc), The Royal Marsden, London (UK): "Overview of RT in vulva cancer (ESGO guidance)"

Stefanie Corradini (Rad Onc), University Hospital, LMU Munich, (DE): "Adjuvant RT for vulvar cancer (AGO-CaRE)"

Cyrus Chargari (Rad Onc), Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital, Paris (FR): "Practical aspects of RT delivery from an MD perspective"

Marianne Assenholt (Med Phys), Aarhus University Hospital (DK):  "Practical aspects of vulva RT delivery from physics perspective

Gyn-SMART Autumn Edition

21 September 2023

State of the art external beam radiotherapy for vulvar cancer

Purpose:  To obtain knowledge about state of the art image-guided radiotherapy for vulval cancer, with a special focus on EBRT. 


Summary: This webinar provides a short introduction into the current ESGO guidelines for treatment of primary vulval cancer, and a summary of the most up to date results/publications in the literature. Subsequent discussion will focus on the AGO-CaRE study and the delivery of EBRT addressing practical issues e.g. use of the target concept in primary vulval cancer, target contouring, treatment planning and management of anatomical changes during radiotherapy.

Moderator: Gemma Eminowicz

Registered: 102

Countries: 22



Tom Purdie (Med Phys), Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto (CA): "Understanding the Diverse Approaches to Automated Planning and Clinical Implementation in External Beam Radiotherapy"

Supriya Chopra (Rad Onc)  and Jeevanshu Jain (Med Phys), Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai (IN): Automated planning for Gynecological IMRT: Clinical workflow, initiatives and experience from a high volume centre"

Inger-Karine Kolkman-Deurloo (Med Phys), Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, (NL): "Automated treatment planning for adaptive locally advanced cervical cancer brachytherapy according to Embrace II protocol"

Gyn-SMART Summer Edition

8 June 2023

Improving Efficiency and Precision in Cervix Cancer Radiation Therapy with Auto-Planning

Purpose:  To acquire knowledge on the state-of-the-art treatment planning techniques utilizing automated planning for both EBRT and BT, with particular emphasis on cervical cancer.


Summary: The upcoming webinar focuses on automated planning in radiation therapy, reviewing various methods of automated planning and comparing them to highlight the advantages of each approach. The webinar discusses the Varian implementation of knowledge-based planning, RapidPlan, for EBRT, and the use of BiCycle-assisted auto-planning for BT. Attendees can expect to gain insights into the automated planning workflow, the advantages of this approach, and its comparison with manual planning. Case examples are provided for both EBRT and BT to illustrate the topic further.

Moderator: Monica Serban

Registered: 140

Countries: 27



Maximilian Schmid (Rad Onc), Medical University of Vienna/AKH Vienna (AT): "Background and target concept of image-guided adaptive brachytherapy"

Henrike Westerveld (Rad Onc) Erasmus Medical Center (NL): "Clinical decision making in brachytherapy"

Nicole Eder-Nesvacil (Med Phys) Medical University of Vienna/AKH Vienna (AT): "Practical considerations in brachytherapy treatment planning"

Gyn-SMART Spring Edition

20 April 2023

State of the art treatment for vaginal cancer

Purpose: To obtain knowledge about state of the art image-guided radiotherapy for vaginal cancer, with a special focus on brachytherapy.

Summary: This webinar provides a short introduction into the current standing guidelines for treatment of primary vaginal cancer, and a summary of the most up to date results/publications in the literature. Subsequent discussion will focus on image-guided brachytherapy addressing practical issues e.g. applicator choices, use of the target concept in primary vaginal cancer, target contouring, and treatment planning.

Moderator: Sofia Spampinato

Registered: 153

Countries: 25