Gwyn Bellamy
Professor of Mathematics, University of Glasgow
About me
I am Professor of Mathematics, and a member of the Algebra group and part of Core Structures, in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Glasgow.
Research Interests
I am interested in representation theory and its interaction with geometry. In particular, I am interested in anything that is even remotely related to symplectic reflection algebras (and especially rational Cherednik algebras). To date, "anything" includes symplectic algebraic geometry, D-modules, Calogero-Moser systems, algebraic combinatorics and the representation theory of certain objects of Lie type such as Hecke algebras and q-Schur algebras. I am especially interested in the relationship between symplectic reflection algebras and sheaves of deformation-quantization algebras on symplectic manifolds.
If you might be interested in doing a PhD with me at Glasgow in one of the above areas, take a look here.
Contact me
Email: firstname.surname [at]
Room 418, The Mathematics and Statistics Building
University of Glasgow
University Place
Glasgow G12 8QQ