

Registration requirements 報名須知:

  1. PADI (Junior) Scuba Diver, or open water certification or proof of entry-level diver certification from another training organization with four open water dives. 至少有PADI(初級開放水域潛水證照,開放水域水肺潛水員認證或來自其他培訓機構的入門級潛水員認證證明,有四次開放水域潛水的經驗方能參加。

  2. Total time commitment 總時間承諾: 2 hours 2小時

  3. Minimum age最低年齡: 10 years or older (please show certification) 10 歲或以上(請出示證明

About the Course 關於該課程

ReActivate is the engaging, efficient way to refresh your scuba skills. Move quickly through topics you know well, dive deeper on topics where your knowledge may have lapsed. ReActivate 是一種引人入勝、高效的方式來更新您的水肺潛水技能。 快速瀏覽您已熟悉的技巧,深入了解您的知識可能已經遺忘的技巧主題。

Schedule optional inwater practice with a dive professional and receive a new card that recognizes your new "ReActivated" date. 與潛水教練一起安排可選的水下練習,並收到一張新卡,用於識別您的新“再激活”日期。

Take this course if you want to learn how to 如果你有以下需求的話,可以來上這門課

  • Refresh your skills before a trip 旅行前先複習潛水的技

  • Prepare for your next course 為你的下一門潛水課程做準備

  • Get an updated certification card 獲取更新的認證卡

  • Assemble a scuba unit 複習組裝潛水裝

  • Handle common problems 複習如何處理潛水常見問題

  • Perform basic skills with ease 複習如何輕鬆地完成基本潛水技

Registration and refund 報名及退費辦法 :

Please contact Gweno Diving Instructor Xiaoguan’s Line account to discuss and transfer money to register. Once the transfer is completed, the registration process is completed. If the course fee is canceled due to personal factors before the start of the course, the course right can be transferred to third party or postponed once. If you apply for a refund according to the following criteria, a handling fee of NT$100/person is required, including the third-party bank cash flow handling fee for refund transfer and administrative personnel handling handling fee.

請洽Gweno Diving 小關教練本人的Line帳號討論之後並匯款報名,一旦完成匯款即完成報名程序。若於開課前如因個人因素取消,課程費用可轉讓、延期1次若依以下標準申請退款須酌收手續費NT$100/人,包含退款轉帳第三方銀行金流手續費及行政人事處理之手續費。

  1. If you cancel seven days before the course, we will fully refund. 開課前七天取消,可全額退款。

  2. If you cancel the day before the course, you need to charge a deposit of NT$500, and the rest will be refunded. 開課前一天取消,需酌收訂金500元,其餘退款。

  3. Due to instructor Gweno has to reserve the swimming pool personally with the Youth Park swimming pool, if you cancel on the day of cours, it will affect the rights of other students and the instructor, so no refund will be approved. 因為小關教練要向青年公園泳池預約的關係,若開課當日取消,會影響到其他同學和教練本身繼續預約使用游泳池的權益,恕不退款。

萬華-青年公園室內及室外游泳池 (26-29°C)

Wan hua District - Youth Park Indoor & Outdoor Swimming pool

場地位置 Address

Wan hua District - Youth Park

Transportation 交通方式

MRT 捷運:搭至古亭站或西門站,再轉乘公車12、藍29、205、212直達車、532、630,至「青年公園」站。本場地可搭乘公車至「青年公園」站,由3號入口直行1分鐘即達;全線皆為低地板公車:205八德新幹線、630路、12路,得先到鳳凰潛水辦公室簽到。


1. 20、250、BR22、Zhongshan Main Line to Youth Park Main Gate.

2. 20、250、BR22、Zhongshan Main Line to Youth Park.

3. 12、20、250、630、BL29、BR22、Zhongshan Main Line to Qingnian Rd.

4. 12、20、250、630、BL29、BR22、Zhongshan Main Line to Youth Community.

5. 12、20、250、630、BL29、BR22、Zhongshan Main Line to Youth Park (Youth).


1. Songshan-Xindian Line (GR Line) or Zhonghe-Xinlu Line (Y Line) to Guting Station.

2. Songshan-Xindian Line (GR Line) or Bannan Line (BL Line) to Guting Station.