
Working papers

(with Majid Ahmadi, Jeffrey Lachman and John List)


PDF - Pre-analysis plan - AEA RCT Registration

PDF - Pre-analysis plan


(with A. Mbegue, C. Mettling, B. Diouf, C. Faurie, O. Sene, E. Chancerel, E. Guichoux, G. Hollard, M. Raymond and M. Willinger)

PDF - Supplementary Materials

It has been shown that living in risky environments, as well as having a risky occupation, can moderate risk-tolerance. Despite the involvement of dopamine in the expectation of reward described by neurobiologists, a GWAS study was not able to demonstrate a genetic contribution of genes involved in the dopaminergic pathway in risk attitudes and gene candidate studies gave contrasting results. We test the possibility that a genetic effect of the DRD4-7R allele in risk-taking behavior could be modulated by environmental factors. We show that the increase in risk-tolerance due to the 7R allele is independent of the environmental risk in two populations in Northern Senegal, one of which is exposed to a very high risk due to dangerous fishing. 

(with Guillaume Hollard and Fabien Perez)


French - On October 9, 2017, Richard H. Thaler was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work in behavioral economics. This article presents his main contributions, namely the establishment of a list of anomalies of human behaviors from the perspective of rational models, the laying of the foundations for a quasi-rational model inspired by psychology, and the approach to public policy commonly known as “nudge.” As a conclusion, we more subjectively comment on the influence Thaler has had on economics and speculate on a possible path forward for behavioral economics.

Work in progress

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