Gomoku World Championship 2023

Budapest, 10-19 August 2023

Details of the Qualification Tournament (QT)

Tournament system: Swiss system – 8 rounds

Time control: 70 minutes per player + 30 seconds added for each move

Opening rule: Swap-2

This tournament will be played in Swiss system with as many players as the limitations allow.
GQT 2023 is an OPEN tournament, where any Gomoku player may attend!

The 5 best GQT players are ensured to get place in the World Championship Final (AT). However, the number may be 6 if the organizing country (Hungary) gets one of the 5 first places in GQT. Also, if cancellations would occur from nations who have national places in AT, those seats are added to the QT seats group.

Note that this year the 7 best GQT players qualify to the World Championship Final (AT).