Help stop Putin's aggression in Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a large-scale military assault against Ukraine. This aggression resulted in tens of thousands of people being killed and millions displaced. Putin's regime is attempting to annex the Ukrainian territories and, since October 10, 2022, has admitted to purposefully and systematically destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in an act or terror against Ukrainian civilian population. Almost all people in Ukraine now experience regular electricity and water shortages and face the possibility of drastically reduced (or none at all) heating in winter.

Why should you care?

The actions of Putin’s regime in Ukraine threaten to set new precedents on European soil, undermining these basic international principles vital to peace and security:  

  • The borders and territorial integrity of a state cannot be changed by force.  

  • Citizens in a democracy have an inherent right to determine their country’s future.  

  • All members of the international community are bound by common rules and must face consequences if they break their solemn commitments.  

These principles extend beyond Ukraine.  

These principles extend beyond Europe.  
These principles are the underpinnings of the international order that the United States and its Allies and partners have built and sustained since World War II.

Allowing Putin’s aggression to succeed will encourage more aggression and attacks on territorial sovereignty around the world.

What can you do?

Write to your current Senator or your Representative in Congress to express your support of Ukraine in its fight against the aggression of Putin’s regime.
Find your Senator
Find your Representative in Congress

Sample letter:

I am writing to express my concern about the aggression of Putin’s regime in Ukraine and Russia’s attack on Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. I am also deeply concerned about Ukrainian people – those who are suffering from Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure and those who were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in other parts of Ukraine or all over the world. I also believe that, for sake of peace and security in the world, the aggression of Putin’s regime in Ukraine must not be allowed to succeed. Hence, I am asking you to support

  • any action / measure that would condemn Russian aggression in Ukraine and its attacks on its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and civilian population

  • provision of humanitarian and government aid to help Ukrainians survive this aggression and recover from it

  • provision of military support to Ukraine so Putin’s regime is not allowed to achieve its goals in Ukraine

  • any action / measure that would help to hold Russia accountable for the loss of life and damage that resulted from its aggression in Ukraine

Donate to support Ukraine

Humanitarian support: or donate for a specific project or add Leleka Foundation as your charity to your amazon account

Military support:

More donation options:

Consider participating in Uniting for Ukraine program (see info here) to provide a pathway for displaced Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members who are outside the United States to come to the United States and stay temporarily for up to two years

Stay informed:

The Economist's coverage of the war in Ukraine

The Institute for the Study of War ongoing analysis of the war in Ukraine

Share information about the aggression of Putin's regime in Ukraine with other people and encourage them to help stop it

Learn about Ukraine! Here are some links I like:

Ukrainian Anthem