Denver Gutter Cleaning

How often gutters need to be cleaned depends on the climate and surrounding landscape. If you live in the Arizona desert, you may be able to go several years, but for those who live where autumn leaves fall, it's important to clean gutters at least twice a year.

There are days when you just don’t have the energy or the time to spend on a ladder, cleaning gutters. If you have a very high roof or your house is over a story tall, be safe and call an expert on gutter cleaning and repair. Again, when dealing with gutters, if you don’t have the skill or knowledge, it’s better to have an expert on your side. After all, you want the job done safely, and correctly. Also, it is very labor intensive and can take all day!

The most important time is in late fall after all or most of the leaves have come down as leaves and twigs cause most clogs in gutters. The other important time to clean your gutters is the spring or early summer as pollen, flower petals and seeds such as maple “helicopters” can build up. Also, most deciduous trees drop debris in the spring, so even those of you living in conifer forests aren’t off the hook. Those who live in heavily wooded areas may find it necessary to clear the gutters three or four times a year

And it’s not just the horizontal gutters you need to worry about. Always make sure the downspouts are not clogged and that they are carrying water away from the house foundation. Screens have the widest variety of cost and installation expenses, ranging from easy-to-install inserts to very complex. Simple screens need to be attached to the gutters and roof with screws or tape and can be installed in a few hours, while more advanced filtering systems require professional installation.