
Gutiérrez Cáceres



Hello! I'm Álvaro Gutiérrez, welcome to my personal page. I'm doing a PhD in Mathematics at the University of Bristol under the supervision of Mark Wildon. I got my BSc in the University of Seville in 2021 and my MSc in the University of Bonn in 2023.


Research Interests

My main interests of study are in combinatorics, and combinatorial approaches to algebra. More precisely, symmetric functions theory and representation theory (in its broadest sense).

Papers and preprints


Open source code:


Upcoming talks:

(Some) Past talks by topic:

All past talks, chronologically:

(On the Newton-Puiseux algorithm for the resolution of singularities.)
(BSc Thesis defense, on plethystic coefficients.)

Projects and involvement

Conferences co-organized



Please note that I am not the original mind behind all of these problems; most of these were collected from various sources which are not carefully cited. These notes are only meant to be read as informal notes. Let me know if you spot any errors (I know there are some, but can't remember where).