Governor Kathy Hochul today urged New Yorkers across the state to prepare for a major weather system that is forecast to bring rain, gusty winds, and snow to most areas. Beginning late Sunday, moderate to heavy rain is expected to impact most of the state with rainfall totals from 1-3 inches expected for most areas and the potential for up to five inches in isolated, elevated areas. Rain will eventually transition to heavy, wet snow during the event with higher amounts of snow expected in the North Country, Mohawk Valley, Capital District, and Mid-Hudson regions. The combination of heavy, wet snow with strong winds may lead to hazardous travel and power outages in some areas. Statewide wind gusts are expected to be strongest downstate, particularly along the south shores of Long Island with up to 50 mph gusts, although isolated, stronger gusts are possible in some locations. New Yorkers should use extra caution when traveling in impacted areas, especially during commuting hours on Monday.

Other stations in Minnesota were similarly gusty. In St. Cloud, for example, this winter had 29 days with 30 mph gusts, compared to a previous record of 22 days, and a long-term average of just under nine days.


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It's also worth noting that this gusty period actually extends beyond this winter, to the other seasons in other recent years. At both St. Cloud and the Twin Cities, the mid-2010s marked the beginning of much gustier times, with annual 30 mph gust days increasing dramatically over previous levels. The gustiest year on record at both stations was 2020, with 168 days in the Twin Cities and 114 at St. Cloud.

Unfortunately, we cannot take all of these changes at face-value, because the types of anemometers (wind speed sensors) changed from traditional cup-and-vane systems, to ultrasonic technology, first in the 2000s, and again in the 2010s. These new sensors are more sensitive and detect higher gusts, so we know they account for some of the change in the data. However, the State Climatology Office has received dozens of inquiries about how windy it's been, mostly from people who do not look at wind data. So in this case, anecdotal evidence and simple human observations help us understand what the data show us even better: We are indeed in a quite gusty period, even if it cannot be quantified perfectly.

The gusty winds are expected to continue through Thursday, with wind advisories in place for parts of the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles County beaches through 1 a.m. Friday, according to the National Weather Service.

Depending on what runways are available, how often you fly, and what kind of airplane you're in, 13 knots of gust isn't an unreasonable challenge. Every pilot will have a different comfort level when it comes to landing in gusty conditions.

Usually, the solution is to add half the gust factor to your final approach speed. Wind gusts can be variable and unpredictable, which are two things you never want to deal with when you're landing. When you fly on a gusty day, you know that your airspeed indicator can have some pretty wild fluctuations. If you're on speed or a little slow on final approach, a sudden loss in headwind from a gust could get you closer to stall speed that you'd like. And if you're like us, that's a pucker factor you'd rather not deal with.When you're dealing with a gusty day, the FAA recommends that you add half the gust factor to your final approach speed.

Gusty winds aren't just a consideration for light airplanes. In 2008, a German A320 crew nearly lost control just feet above the ground during gusty winds. Here's a report from the Flight Safety Foundation...

This study presents a comprehensive numerical framework for auralizing multirotor noise during complex maneuvers, incorporating rotor tonal and broadband noise prediction, synthesis, and psychoacoustic analysis. Validation studies for various flight scenarios, including single rotors and quadrotors, confirm the capability of this framework in the prediction-based psychoacoustic analysis of multirotor configurations. The primary focus of this research is to assess the flyover and takeoff noise of multirotors under diverse operating conditions. When tracking the mission profile under gusty wind conditions, the multirotor noise is characterized by frequency and amplitude modulations induced by rotational speed control for each rotor. A high-resolution time-frequency analysis is conducted for the tonal noise to highlight these modulation characteristics. Additionally, the prediction-based psychoacoustic analysis is performed for cross- and plus-type quadrotor configurations to clarify the effects of gusty wind profiles and flight control. The results demonstrate that variations in the rotational speed of each rotor, influenced by mission profiles and gusty wind conditions, contribute to the distinct acoustic characteristics of multirotor configurations in both physical and psychological aspects. The synthesized noise time signal and modulation characteristics provide valuable insights into the impact of operational environments on psychoacoustic metrics and annoyance.

Motivated by the stability demonstrated by natural flyers with flapping-wings like birds and insects in turbulent conditions, this project focused on studying the interactions between flapping wings and gusty flow. Various wing configurations, including two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) wings in plunging, pitching, and rotating motions, were employed under different gust conditions. The project had specific objectives, including quantifying gust-mitigation performance, examining active versus passive gust mitigation, and gaining insights into the underlying physics and optimization. The research encompassed parametric investigations and the application of reinforcement learning methods for optimization. 

The vortex gusts, generated periodically using pitching vanes, were directed downstream toward the wings. These gusts were extensively characterized, encompassing their sizes, strengths, and shedding frequencies. To delve into the flow dynamics, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was utilized, facilitating the exploration of interactions between the wing-induced vortices, particularly the boundary layer and the leading-edge vortex (LEV), and the gusts.

Furthermore, the impact of gusts on the local flow around the wings was quantified by calculating the circulation within a planar control region connected to the plunging wing's underside. Observations revealed that gusts sharing the same vorticity sign as the boundary layer and LEV merged with the wing-induced vorticity as they passed the wings. Conversely, gusts with opposite-sign vortices increased the circulation of the wing-induced vortices but accelerated the detachment of the LEV.

Notably, flapping wings exhibited the capability to occasionally evade these gust structures due to their lateral motion. Additionally, the persistent presence of stronger and larger LEVs, typical of plunging wings at higher St and k values, tended to divert the gusts away from the wings. This phenomenon resulted in reduced impacts of gusts on the vorticity and circulation within the control region.

Moreover, the principal investigators (PIs) expanded learning and research opportunities for undergraduate students, providing exposure to graduate-level research and enhancing their understanding of fluid mechanics through practical experimental activities. This research project enabled students to be part of genuine discoveries, driven by theoretically intriguing and visually captivating experimental fluid dynamics. Students from underrepresented groups were actively engaged in the research.

Additionally, a new Integrative General Education (GenEd) course on flow visualization (PHOTO 321N) was specifically developed. This course welcomed students from diverse majors, allowing them to explore particle tracking visualization techniques while gaining photography skills and understanding the physics of fluid motion. The course objectives emphasized integrative thinking, creative thinking, and effective communication.

In summary, the research findings underscore the effectiveness of robust flapping wing kinematics in mitigating the disruptive effects of vortex gusts. Furthermore, K-12 students were actively engaged in STEAM activities, providing them with insights into both the scientific and artistic dimensions of fluid flow.

The serious incident involving the Airbus A320-211 at Hamburg on March 1, 2008, and related events were analyzed and safety recommendations about landing in strong gusty crosswind conditions were issued by the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation in Investigation Report 5X003-0/08, March 2010.

Extreme to critical fire weather conditions are expected to continue for Southern California through at least Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). In addition, forecasters warn that strong, gusty offshore winds will continue to fuel both the Camp Fire and the Woolsey Fire.

We are experiencing some gusty winds too with a wind advisory in effect for coastal areas. We are also under a small craft advisory as seas could hit eight feet and are experiencing rip currents as well. 17dc91bb1f

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