Gunter High School Back-to-School Plan

The conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are continually evolving, and Gunter ISD’s Safe Return-to-School plans will be constantly evaluated to adapt to the continuing trends of the COVID-19 virus, especially in the City of Gunter and Grayson County.

Please know that Gunter ISD will follow recommendations for school opening and operation from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as state and local health officials. Circumstances related to COVID-19 may change throughout the coming school year, and this document will be updated as conditions change.

We will be following the Gunter ISD Back-to-School plan, but this addresses the specific needs of Gunter High School.

What’s the Parking Lot Situation?

Our carpool lines will be changing this year. In order to keep a consistent pathway, we will be moving the carpool lane to the “senior lot” or the second lane from the front entry. We want to be cognizant of fire lane restrictions and inclement weather changes, so moving carpool drop-off/pick-ups from one lane to another will help keep traffic flow moving with minimal backups and/or changes.

What Will Mornings Look Like?

Students will report to the commons area (cafeteria) each day. Space and seating will be available to promote proper social distancing. Breakfast will be served as a grab-and-go, and students will have designated seating to limit larger groups, when possible. If numbers increase, students will be moved to alternate locations on campus such as the library or classrooms.

What About Lunches?

We will be conducting lunch similar to how things have been in the past, but with adjustments to follow social-distancing guidelines. Microwaves will be available to students, should packed lunches need to be heated/reheated. At this time, visitors will not be allowed to eat with students.

What About the End of Day?

Our dismissal will be very similar to the morning. Car riders will report to the front and wait until their ride comes through the line out front. Bus riders will report to their designated areas.

Freshman Orientation/Meet the Teacher?

Virtual Open House link will be sent out and posted on all social media platforms on August 12, 2020. If you need additional information or would like to request a walkthrough in-person, those arrangements can be made with the front office.

What’s the First Week Look Like?

Students who committed to in-person learning will report on their designated days. For those 9-12th grade students with last names ending in A through L, you will report on August 19th. Those students with last names ending in M through Z, you will report on August 20th. ALL students will report on Friday, August 21st.

And the Next Two Weeks?

The weeks of August 24th-28th and August 31st-September 4th will be 4-day weeks. Students will be attending in-person Monday-Thursday and working from home on those Fridays (8/28, 9/4) to give virtual classrooms, teachers and students time to get settled.

Other Safety Measures and Recommendations

  • Each student should bring their own water bottle to school.

  • Hand sanitizer stations will be placed at various entry and exit points around the building.

  • Common areas will be disinfected throughout the day.

  • We are building responsible young adults while they are with us here at Gunter High School. That being said, we understand that “life happens.” While we do want to significantly limit any and all campus deliveries and drop-offs, we will be providing a table in the front lobby outside of the office where parents/guardians will be able to leave items for their students. We want to keep our campus as safe as possible during this Covid pandemic, so we are asking families to only bring student items when it’s absolutely necessary.