The Champaign Police Department has contracted with Flock Group, Inc. to install Raven gunshot detection technology for use in select areas of the community on a trial basis. In total, 33 units were installed in Champaign in the Winter of 2022. The initial authorization for gunshot detection units is for a period of one year, through February 2024.

Gunshot detection units capture short audio clips of their surroundings, interpret that audio to detect specific sound patterns, and, ultimately, alert an officer when the system has captured the sound of a potential gunshot. The automated process of capture, analysis, and comparison typically takes seconds, and officers are alerted to the vicinity of the gunshots.

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3. Audio suspected to be gunfire is uploaded to Flock Group, Inc. processing systems. These systems reprocess the audio to ensure that the sound was a gunshot and not a similar sound like fireworks or a car backfiring.

5. Simultaneously, the system cross-references detections from other nearby gunshot detection units. Using calculations based upon the time delays between units hearing the sound, the system is able to determine the approximate location of the incident. The vendor asserts that this automated process determines the location with a 90% accuracy to within 90 feet.

The recommendation of where to deploy gunshot detection units was developed by the Police Department in consultation with a Flock Group, Inc. representative and based upon the analysis of five years of data on shooting incidents and associated locations. The recommendation was based on providing adequate coverage of the neighborhoods most frequently affected by gun violence.

EAGL Technology has driven the security industry into new territory by combining both indoor and outdoor gunshot detection on the same technology platform. Through continued innovation and development, EAGL continues to expand expectations by providing cutting-edge technology, industry-leading system response, and a suite of products that offer the most comprehensive Active Shooter Emergency Response system available.

We have a dedicated support team available to show you how our system works. A quick 15 minute online presentation will show you WHY EAGL Technology is the gunshot detection system of choice by cities across the US, schools, and our corporate partners.

SoundThinking uses sophisticated technology to detect, locate and alert law enforcement agencies of illegal gunfire in real time. Acoustic sensors are strategically placed in an array of 15 to 20 sensors per square mile in order to detect and accurately triangulate gunshot activity. Impulsive gunshot like sounds heard by the sensors are categorized by machine learning algorithms and confirmed by an expertly trained analyst at the 247 SoundThinking Incident Review Center.

Gunshot notifications are delivered to the SoundThinking mobile and browser app and pushed via SMS, email and API within 30 to 60 seconds of the trigger pull. The notification includes the precise location on a map as well as metadata including nearest address, precise trigger pull time and number of rounds fired. Utilizing the gunshot notification, officers can approach the precise location of the gunfire incident quickly and safely to engage the shooter, interview witnesses and collect key evidence at the crime scene.

The integration, scheduled for completion in early September, willallow the ShotSpotter GLS to interoperate with the city's cameras andsurveillance system to provide Bellwood police with real-timenotification of gunshot events as well as precise event data, detailedforensic and intelligence analysis for arrest and prosecution, andinformation on a shooter's location, including drive-by shooters onthe move.

"ShotSpotter is an ideal complement to Bellwood's successfulwireless surveillance camera system," said Steve Daugherty, presidentof Current Technologies Corporation (CTC). "The gunshot locationtechnology not only will enable the Village's police officers toarrive on the scene of a gunshot event faster, but as we integrateShotSpotter into the Village's surveillance camera network, policeofficers also will have a bird's-eye view of the scene before theyarrive."

Located in Mountain View, CA, ShotSpotter, Inc., is the world'sleading developer of gunshot location systems and technology. Itsflagship product currently protects the citizens of cities nationwidefrom Los Angeles, CA to Washington DC using a small number ofinexpensive and easy-to-deploy sensors to detect and locate gunfireacross large urban areas. The company also offers products to lawenforcement, homeland security, and military markets.

My kia rio 2009 suddenly start bring this gunshot sound when accelerating . It misses fire hence causing the car to move very slowly..My mechanic has changed both the fuel pump and the fuel filter and yet the problem won't stop.please what other step should I take.

The technology uses a two-phase review to confirm the sounds of gunfire before sending a notification to officers. First, artificial intelligence software reviews the sound and filters out any non-gunfire incidents. Second, a SoundThinking employee at the company's incident review center verifies the reported gunfire. PPD said it is looking to hire four RTCC analysts to work in the department who will then feed that information to officers. The company said police will be notified of confirmed gunfire within 60 seconds of the incident.

Acoustic gunshot detection is a system designed to detect, record, and locate the sound of gun fire and alert law enforcement. The equipment usually takes the form of sensitive microphones and sensors, some of which must always be listening for the sound of gunshots. They are often accompanied by cameras. They are usually mounted on street lights, or other elevated structures, though some mobile and fixed systems operate in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Police and companies that manufacture and sell acoustic gunshot detection systems have claimed that the point of this technology is to inform police of the location of shots fired, more quickly and accurately than relying on witnesses who overheard gun fire and who may call the police. However, we now know that gunshot detection systems can also hear and record human voicesand police have used these recordings as evidence in court. As is so often the case with police surveillance technologies, a device initially deployed for a less intrusive purpose (here, to report the sound and location of gunshots to police) is now being used for a far more intrusive purposes (to spy on people having conversations within the vicinity of their sensitive microphones).

Acoustic gunshot detection relies on a series of sensors, often placed on lamp posts or buildings. If a gunshot is fired, the sensors detect the specific acoustic signature of a gunshot and send the exact time and location to the police. Location is determined by measuring the amount of time it takes for the sound to reach sensors in different locations.

With microphones running and recording during the moments that it captures any sounds resembling gunshots, acoustic gunshot detection also records other sounds, including human voices, that occur within the vicinity of its microphones during a suspected shooting incident.

tag_hash_108ShotSpotter is by far the largest vendor of acoustic gunshot detection systems. Currently, 100 cities are using ShotSpotter in the U.S., South Africa, and the Bahamas. The company earned $34.75 million in revenue in 2018, and in March 2019, ShotSpotter announced it would be offering publicly traded stock.

Even if aimed at gunshots, this technology also captures human voices, at least some of the time. Yet people in public places - for example, having a quiet conversation on a deserted street - are often entitled to a reasonable expectation of privacy, without overhead microphones unexpectedly recording their conversation. Federal and state eavesdropping statutes (sometimes called wiretapping or interception laws) typically prohibit the recording of private conversations absent consent from at least one person in that conversation.

Moreover, acoustic gunshot detection systems are often placed in what police consider to be high-crime areas. As with many police surveillance systems, this can result in excessive scrutiny of the neighborhoods where people of color may live.

tag_hash_109As part of its measures to raise awareness about the invasive uses of surveillance technologies, EFF has long raised concerns about acoustic gunshot detection systems recording the conversations of unsuspecting people on the street and in other public places.

Gunshot detection systems, also known as gunfire detection systems or gunshot locator systems, are technology-based systems designed to detect and locate the origin of gunshots in real-time. These systems utilize a combination of sensors, algorithms, and data analysis to quickly identify and pinpoint the location of gunfire incidents.

 Acoustic sensors: Gunshot detection systems employ specialized acoustic sensors strategically placed in urban areas, campuses, or other locations prone to gun violence. These sensors are designed to capture the unique acoustic signature of gunshots, including the sound wave pattern and intensity. Sensor network: The acoustic sensors are typically deployed in a network configuration, allowing for comprehensive coverage of the monitored area. The sensors communicate with each other and a central processing unit or software to relay detected gunshot events. Real-time detection and analysis: When a gunshot occurs, the sensors pick up the sound and send the data to the central processing unit. The system's algorithms analyze the data in real-time to distinguish gunshots from other loud noises and filter out false positives. The system can differentiate between different types of firearms and may even estimate the number of shots fired. Location determination: Using the time delay between the arrival of the gunshot sound at different sensors, the system calculates the origin or approximate location of the gunshot. By triangulating the data from multiple sensors, the system can provide accurate location information. Alert and notification: Once a gunshot is detected and located, the system generates an alert or notification. This alert can be sent to various stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, security personnel, or emergency response teams. The notification can include information such as the location, timestamp, and other relevant details to aid in a rapid response. Integration with other systems: Gunshot detection systems can integrate with other security systems, such as video surveillance systems or access control systems. This integration allows for enhanced situational awareness, enabling security personnel to quickly assess the situation and take appropriate actions.  006ab0faaa

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