
Invited talks and lectures

2022 “Morphosyntax and phonology of agreement in Turkish” The 15th Hacettepe University international student conference of linguistics. Hacettepe University – Turkey, April. [Keynote]

2020 “The unbearable lightness of WHAT? A clausal ellipsis analysis of English reprise fragments” With James Griffiths and Anikó Lipták. Workshop in honor of the defense of Anastasiia Ionova. Leiden University – The Netherlands, January.

2018 “Syntax versus information structure: the prosodic landscape of Turkish clauses”. Research Seminar. University of Geneva – Switzerland, October.

2018 “Dutch P-stranding and ellipsis: Merchant’s wrinkle ironed out” With Anikó Lipták and Jason Merchant. Com(parative) Syn(tax) Meetings. Leiden University – The Netherlands, May.

2018 “Prosodic constituency and syntax-prosody mapping in Turkish” Phonetics/phonology research colloquium. University of Konstanz – Germany, April.

2017 “Interpreting acoustic signals in English from a morphosyntactic point of view” A lecture taught as part of “Experimental phonetics” PI. Y. Chen. Leiden University – The Netherlands, November.

2017 “Echo fragments in English: preliminary remarks” With James Griffiths and Anikó Lipták. Com(parative) Syn(tax) Meetings. Leiden University – The Netherlands, April.

2017 “Prosody of Agreement: double agreement and variable size of phonological words in Turkish” Com(parative) Syn(tax) Meetings. Leiden University – The Netherlands, February.

2017 “The unavoidable role of prosody in configurationality: Turkish as a case study” With Aslı Göksel & Aslı Gürer. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies – Japan, February.

2016 “Prosodic licensing in English ellipsis” With Anikó Lipták. Ellipse: quand, pourquoi, comment. Clermont-Ferrand – France, December.

2015 “Deriving prosodic structures: on what is mapped and what is not” Talk at LUCL. Leiden - The Netherlands, April.

2014 “Parenthesis and Turkish ki” With James Griffiths. LINGDAY 2014. Istanbul – Turkey, May.

2013 “Morphoprosodic delimitation of the focus domain in the WORD: In the footsteps of Sebüktekin (1984)” With Aslı Göksel. LINGDAY 2013: 45 years of Linguistics at Boğaziçi University in honour of Prof. Dr. Hikmet Sebüktekin. Istanbul-Turkey, June.

2012 “Prosodic Well-formedness Constraints in Turkish” Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt-Germany, November.

2012 “Turkish as a 'Phrase Language'” LINGDAY 2012, Istanbul-Turkey, June.

2011 “Prosodic Phrasing in Parentheticals: A Production Experiment” ELiTU: Experimental Linguistics Talks, Utrecht-The Netherlands, October.

Conference/workshop presentations

2022 “Don’t deaccent Given: A challenge to Radical Deaccentuation accounts from Icelandic” Paper to be presented at the WS 5: Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis, 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 24–27 August 2022 University of Bucharest. With Nicole Dehé.

2022 “Prosodic evidence for optionally resizing M-words via Lowering” Poster presented at GLOW45. Queen Mary University of London on 27th-29th April, 2022.

2021 “Lowering from complex heads comes in two types and prosody knows this”. Paper presented at BCGL 14: Where syntax and phonology meet. Brussels/Online - December 2021

2021 “P-stranding out of Place: The bleeding effect of ellipsis on Dutch P-stranding” With James Griffiths, Anikó Lipták and Jason Merchant. Paper presented at the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 39. Arizona/online, April.

2021 “P-stranding out of Place: The bleeding effect of ellipsis on Dutch P-stranding” With James Griffiths, Anikó Lipták and Jason Merchant. GLOW 44 – Online organisation by GLOW Board, April.

2020 “Focus and quotation in English echo questions” With James Griffiths and Anikó Lipták. DGFS 2020 – WS 12: Expressing the use-mention-distinction: An empirical perspective. Hamburg University – Germany, March.

2018 “The timing of ellipsis: Introduction” With Anikó Lipták. 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europae, Workshop 16: ‘The timing of ellipsis’. University of Tallinn – Estonia, August/September.

2018 “An Indo-European Complementiser in Turkish: Against the subordination analysis” With James Griffiths. Clause Typing and the Syntax-to-Discourse Relation in Head-Final Languages. University of Konstanz – Germany, May.

2018 “English reprise Fragments in Minimalism: an in-situ analysis” With James Griffiths and Anikó Lipták. Generative Linguistics in the Old World, GLOW41. Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Hungary, April. [poster]

2018 “A Minimalist approach to reprise fragments” With James Griffiths and Anikó Lipták. AG12 "Relating Elliptical Utterances to Information in Context" at the 40th DGfS-Jahrestagung. Universität Stuttgart – Germany, March.

2018 "Dutch sluicing and P-stranding” With Anikó Lipták and Jason Merchant. Grote taaldag 2018. Utrecht – NL, February.

2017 “Echo fragments” With James Griffiths and Anikó Lipták. 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Universidade de Vigo – Spain, September.

2017 “Variable prosodic domains and violations of PIC – Evidence for non-cyclic (phRase based) phonology” With Aslı Göksel. GLOW40 Leiden, Workshop I: Syntax-Phonology Interface. Leiden University – The Netherlands, March.

2016 “M-word vs. ω-word: Top down prosody vs. bottom up syntax” With Aslı Göksel. The Word and the Morpheme. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin - Germany, September.

2016 “The role of prosody sensitive particles in licensing ellipsis” With Anikó Lipták. 4th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. Poznań - Poland, September.

2016 “Licensing the hell in ellipsis: A prosodic accident” With Anikó Lipták. Ellipsis Across Borders 2016. Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina, June.

2016 “Prosodic Issues in Ellipsis: and introduction” With Anikó Lipták. Workshop 'Ellipsis licensing beyond syntax'. Leiden University – The Netherlands, January.

2015 “Recursion in Turkish prosodic grammar” CLCG, Workshop on Prosody. Groningen-The Netherlands, June.

2015 “Deriving prosodic structures: on what is mapped and what is not” CLCG, Syntax-Semantics reading group. Groningen-The Netherlands, April.

2014 “From ω to ι: interface categories of prosody” CLCG, Syntax-Semantics reading group. Groningen-The Netherlands, August.

2014 “An Indo-European Loan in Turkish and the Case of Germanic Appositives” With James Griffiths. 11th WoSSP. Barcelona-Spain, June.

2013 “Expressing Discourse Structure & Information Structure within the WORD” Poster. With Aslı Göksel. 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Dubrovnik-Croatia, Sep 2013.

2013 “Notes on ki” With James Griffiths. S-Circle's Parentheticals Workshop. University of California, Santa Cruz-USA, April.

2013 “Prosody of Finite and Non-finite Clausal Parentheticals in Turkish” The Parenthesis and Ellipsis Workshop of the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Linguistics. Potsdam-Germany, March.

2013 “Prosodic Recursivity and Syntax-Prosody Mapping in Turkish” PhLunch, University of California, Santa Cruz-USA, February.

2012 “Notes on Stacked Appositives” With James Griffiths (CLCG). Syntax and semantics seminar. Groningen-The Netherlands, December.

2012 “Fragment Answers in Turkish” With James Griffiths (CLCG). The 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Ankara-Turkey, September.

2012 “Parsing Parentheticals in Turkish” The 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Ankara-Turkey, September.

2012 “Prosodic Parenthesis and Prosodic Integration: A study in Turkish” Parenthétiques 2012, Paris-France, May.

2012 “Parenthetical insertions and Prosodic hierarchy in Turkish” 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, Stuttgart-Germany, May.

2012 “Information Structure, Prosodic Domains and Parenthesis” (Mis)matches in clause linkage, Berlin-Germany, April.

2012 “Tone Copying and Conditions on Prosodic Integration” Groningen Phonology-Phonetics Group, Groningen-The Netherlands, March.

2012 “Prosodic Phrasing and Parentheses” Tin Dag 2012 Utrecht-The Netherlands, February.

2011 “The Use of Topics: Null-Objects and Null-Subjects in Turkish” Poster. 4th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis, Budapest-Hungary, September.

2011 “Pragmatic and Prosodic Analysis of Sentence Topics in Turkish” CLCG Syntax Meetings, Groningen-The Netherlands, March.

2010 “Prosodic Analysis of Sentence Topics in Turkish” International LoT Conference, University of Cyprus, Nicosia-Cyprus, March.

2010 “Pragmatic and Prosodic Analysis of Sentence Topics in Turkish Naturally Occurring Conversations” Boğaziçi Linguistics Circle, Istanbul-Turkey, March.

2009 “On the Formation of [V+V] Compounds in Turkish” The 2nd Mediterranean Graduate Meeting in Linguistics, Mersin University, Mersin-Turkey, March.

2009 “Strategies in Verbal Compounding in Turkish” Boğaziçi Linguistics Circle, Istanbul-Turkey, March.