The day That changed Indian History

The Day That Changed Indian History

Our ancestors gave us a glorious past, we need to create the future this Republic Day. Let’s lead the change & become a real Indian.

Today is the day that the entire India awaited for before 72 years. It is a day of immense significance for the country that was chosen by Indians for themselves. Can you imagine what an independent India without Constitutional governance would look like? The Constitution is the binding force for any nation without which there can’t be peace & harmony among the citizens. Practically & as per Indian history, India gained its independence from British Raj following the Indian Independence movement on August 15, 1947, but it just felt like partial freedom to the citizens. There was the urge & wait for administrative control in terms of the Constitutional framework which was finally brought to light on January 26, 1950.

On the occasion of this joyous & proud day, the entire country commemorates the victory of a Democratic India. The significance of this day lies in the declaration of “Poorna Swaraj” which is complete self-rule & the hoisting of tricolor on the bank of the Ravi river by Jawaharlal Nehru. It is the day associated with national pride when every community regardless of their race, class, gender & such differences come together to celebrate in unity, after all, there is Strength in Unity. The day is filled with patriotism & fervor in the heart of every Indian with palatial parades across the nation. In the capital of India, the honorable Mr. President hoists our beautiful tri-colored flag chanting our national anthem with a grand salute by regiments of the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, police & paramilitary forces. The celebration is on a grand scale with national songs, parades, cultural dance, splendid air shows & flypasts with Pride in the eyes of every Indian.

Let us all remember the golden heritage of our country & feel proud to be a part of India. “We are Indians firstly & lastly.” – B.R. Ambedkar