I am wondering if someone can help me get a good guitar sound - I am currently using Ableton Live Lite 11 and just struggling to get a decent sound. I get this weird fuzzy sound... the order of amps to cab is :

The plugin manager is only for organizing your installed plugins in cubase. To use a plugin on your guitar track you need to select it on an insert slot in the inspector or the mixer console. There are also some other possibillities to use a plugin.

Please take a look in the cubase manual and read the sections about vst plugins and inserts.

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IMHO the delay and reverb tools he uses are just as important to achieve that sound. The echoes are coming from an analog delay, the reverb from the standalone Fender Reverb with tubes which attributes to the drive sounds in the Tweed Deluxe.

I can get reasonable approximations of that tone using a Deluxe Memory Man into a germanium Fuzz Face clone with bias and voltage controls turned to the point where it's just about to start to {censored} up. The Colorsound Overdriver, or clones thereof, is another good dirt box for Neil Young tones (Jeff Tweedy calls the Prescription Electronics clone "Neil Young in a box"). Stacking a couple overdrives into each other or slamming the front end of an overdrive with a clean boost can do it. I've used a Linear Power Boost into an old MXR Distortion+ with great results.

- Reverb: For the clean/crunch Fender reverb unit straight into the Deluxe. For the very Fuzzy sound : Alesis Microverb "that's in a strange setting that's 100% reverb. When he plays it its almost atonal and you can hardly tell what note it is. It gets the high frequency feedback squeal. Used in conjunction with other things, it gets some very bizarre sounds." Larry Cragg

There is no fuzz involved, it's the conjunction of all the analog gear (P90 + deluxe + tape echo + mutron + CRAZY VOUME) that create the fuzzy sound and last but not least the incredible guitar playing and feelings of Mr Young.

ANY acoustic guitar player! Our customers are beginners and hobbyists, professionals, and virtuosos, guitar nerds (we count ourselves proud members of this tribe), singers, songwriters, producers, and so much more.

Hello, newbie here! I need help with my guitar rig 6 pro. I have a presonus audiobox USB 96 interface. I hooked up my guitar on Input 1 and I connected my speakers at the back of my interface. Audio settings connected to the audiobox. Input and output signal present on the software but when I tried to plug in to some guitar presets/effects, it seems that there no effects applied to guitar. Thanks.

You will also have to check that your audio settings (buffer for instance) are set to offer a low latency signal otherwise you may find the sound will lag behind what you play since effects plugins can add some delay in the chain.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with your guitar rig 6 and not hearing any effects. Have you tried updating the plugins? It can often times help resolve these kinds of issues. If you recently installed any software on your computer, it could possibly be interfering with guitar rig. You could also try reinstalling the software or rolling back to a previous version if you think that could help. Good luck!

I'm going to jump in on this as I'm having the same issue. Here are screen shots of my input and output preferences. I'm using a Scarlett Solo interface, and the only way I hear anything is if I have the guitar input set to "INST" rather than "LINE," and the Direct Monitor switch set to On.

Thanks again for replying. Unfortunately none of that helped...I went through all the steps including resetting the registry editor, running as administrator, checking my sound settings for input/output, etc., and all my drivers are up to date. I can still get a nice clear sound from my guitar when I open Guitar Rig, but no matter what I select for presets or effects, the sound doesn't change.

ohyes. it's the alert sound. The funk sound. but i don't know what's causing it as it occurs at random intervals with no alerts popping up and sometimes with me not using the laptop at all! all the options are checked in the sound effects tab..

If you use your Mail app and keep it open, it may be the sound of incoming messages. If you've eliminated all other possibilities and the sound continues, make an appointment with your local Apple Genius to have it checked out.

As you point out in your post. A lot of distortions and damages sound like rock band guitars. The trick is to get the system to do a perfect, clean recording and stop helping you. From there you can do whatever you want.

TH3 produces some great guitar sounds. I'd like to share some tones generated using TH3 Cakewalk Version & NadIR loaded with an IR created by Ola Englund. The point here is that all the software is free! I featured the 11 amps included running through the IR. These are raw guitar tones, no EQ or compression.

That's really useful because co-incidentally, I recently recorded some audio guitar and applied the TH3 amp sim (Tweed Deluxe) and tubescreamer. I thought something must be wrong somewhere because it sounded very muddy to me, with no dynamic. I've just gone through your video and was relieved to find that you seem to have had the same result with the Tweed Deluxe.

I don't own a Fender amp and have limited experience playing through one. As for these sounding like the real amps, my intention here was to show what could be done and not necessarily to say that this one sounds like a Marshall JCM 900, Dual Rectifier, etc. I simply want to show that a very good guitar sound can be produced.

Thanks for that, sounds great! I should say that I only recently started exploring Cakewalk by Bandlab and I think it's brilliant that it's available for free with everything that comes with it. I'm quite new to working with DAWS software, especially software as sophisticated as this, and I'm still finding my way around. I'm only just beginning to appreciate it's huge potential. Many thanks again for your input.

I used a Focusrite Scarlett Solo. Excellent interface. Just DI, completely dry guitar. Used to have an M-Audio Fast Track but had problems with popping, crackle and drop out because they stopped supporting and updating it's drivers some while ago.

I did watch your excellent demo video. I'm pleased with the raw result you get with your setup. However I'm not clear on how did you mix & route those 4 layered guitar tracks. Did you duplicate single take into 4 different tracks and mix them ? Coz to me it almost sounds like if you played 4 different takes. And how did you route the tracks into bus?

I also have Amplitube 4 & Line6 POD Farm, but when it comes to that fat rocking modern guitar sound, I still can not get the expected result like you do. I know it must have something to do with the technique. I'm still learning on how to layer guitar sound to get those huge sound without getting mud in the mix.

Too fatten up a guitar track you'll want to multi-track. It's common to dual track or quad track guitars to achieve this. For dual tracking try recording the same guitar part in two different takes. Then experiment by panning one track hard right and one hard left, or maybe 80% or 60% on the panning. Discover what you like.

In the example I quad tracked, I recorded the same part four times. I routed the four Guitar Channels (takes) to a dedicated Guitar Bus, routed the Guitar Bus to the Main Bus. Adjust the Guitar Channels so they don't clip, Then look at the Guitar Bus, make sure it's not clipping. If so, adjust the Guitar Channels accordingly. At this point we have the 4 Guitar Channels feeding the Guitar Bus. The Guitar Bus now acts as the main volume for all the guitars. I set the Guitar Channel panning as follows: one track hard right, one hard left, one 78% right, one 78% left. There was no processing on these tracks or buses.

For a final guitar sound I would apply any EQ, compression, noise gate, etc. to the Guitar Bus. It's a waste of time to do each track separately and you'll get better results applying the processing to the Guitar Bus. Remember that the Guitar Bus feeds to the Main Bus.

I remember I tried that long time ago. However -if I remember correctly-, I had problem with "energy build up" in some certain frequencies, since all 4 parts were taken almost similar using same gears, setup, and plugins. Using different setting of comb filter EQ in each tracks helps a bit. Still the result sounds rather "mud" than "fat". At the end I always record with real mic in front of real cabs, which gives me better sound.

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