Guillermo Velo-Antón

I am an evolutionary ecologist interested in identifying the mechanisms that shape patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation and their eco-evolutionary implications.

Because several mechanisms (i.e. natural selection, demographic and drift processes) drive the uneven distribution of phenotypic and genetic patterns of living organisms across space, I seek to integrate genetic, phenotypic, ecological and landscape data at different temporal (evolutionary) and spatial (geographic) scales to better understand how natural diversity evolves. My research involves phylogeographic and landscape genetics and genomics, mostly on amphibians and reptiles occurring in the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and island-mainland systems. 

Guillermo Velo-Antón, PhD

​Universidad de Vigo, Facultad de Biología, Edificio de Ciencias Experimentales, Bloque B, Planta 2, Laboratorio 39 (Grupo GEA)E-36310, Vigo, Spainemail:

Banner photo: Archipelago of Cíes from my native land (Morrazo peninsula, SW Galicia, NW Spain). A place with both personal and professional links.