Guillaume Sekli
Economist - Ph. D - Université de Belfort-Montbéliard
Guillaume Sekli homepage
Application of cooperative game theory in health economics : A cooperative game approach to integrated healthcare:
Application of cooperative game theory in International taxation : Assessing the credibility and fairness of international corporate tax rate harmonization via cooperative game theory
Application of cooperative game theory in finance : Early contribution and fair rewards in crowdfunding :
Topic of research : Cooperative game theory, Economic theory, Health Economics, Public Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Regulation
2019-2023 : Ph.D in Economics and applied game theory. Three applications of cooperative game theory at University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté.
Ph.D Defense : October, 10th 2023 in Besançon. Comittee : Sylvain Béal (Supervisor), Marc Deschamps (Supervisor), Marie Obidzinski (University of Paris Panthéon-Assas, Examinator), Vincent Iehlé (University of Rouen-Normandie, Referee), Philippe Solal (University of Saint-Etienne, Referee)
2017-2019 : Master degree in Engineering Economics (with mention) at University of Franche-Comté (Econometrics, International Trade, Macroeconomics Policies, Public Economics, Cooperative Game Theory, Prices Formation, Contract Theory, Industrial Organization, Health Economics, Environmental Economics, Competition Policy, Theory of Regulation...)
2014-2017 : Bachelor degree in Economics and Management (with mention), honorific path in economics at University of Franche-Comté
, Teaching
Introduction to microeconomics (Bachelor degree) : Perfect competition, surplus, technology of production, producer costs, isoquant, isocosts.
Introduction to macroeconomics (Bachelor degree) : Growth, inflation, employment, national accounting
Microeconomics 2 (Bachelor degree) : Utility function, budget set, consumer choice, demand functions, elasticity
Macroeconomics 1 (Bachelor degree) : Macroeconomic models, keynesian multiplier, consumption functions, investment, VAN, TRI
Macroeconomics 2 (Bachelor degree) : ISLM model, WSPS model, ASAD model
Open Macroeconomics (Bachelor degree) : Balance of payments, Competitivity, fiscal policy, monetary policy, euro, dollars, renminbi, IS-LM-BP model, exchange rates
Microeconomics 3 (Bachelor degree) : Perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, Non-cooperative game theory, Nash equilibrium, monopolistic competition, Cournot duopoly, Bertrand duopoly, Stackelberg duopoly
Game Theory (Master degree) : Cooperative game theory, TU games, Properties of a game, convexity, supperaditivity, monotony, modelisation, axioms, allocation rules, equal sharing, Shapley value, equal sharing of surplus, core
Publications :
A cooperative game approach to integrated health care (in Revue d'Économie Politique, 2023, Vol.133, Number 5)
Early contributors, cooperation and fair rewards in crowdfunding (with Sylvain Béal, Marc Deschamps and Catherine Refait-Alexandre) (in Theory and Decision, 2024, Forthcoming)
Working paper(s) / Articles in progress:
Assessing the credibility and fairness of international corporate tax harmonization via cooperative game theory (with Alexandre Chirat)
WIP on stream share solutions (with Florian Navarro)
Tuiton fees and higher education: students or citizens ?
"Early contributors and fair rewards in crowdfunding", June 2024, AFSE, Bordeaux
"Early contributors, cooperation and fair rewards in crowdfunding", June 2023, European Conference on Game Theory SING, University of Reggio Calabria, Messina
"Early contributors, cooperation and fair rewards in crowdfunding", May 2023, CRESE Scientific day, Besançon
"Assessing the credibility and fairness of corporate tax rate harmonization via cooperative game theory", Workshop Cooperative models in games and social choice, November 2022, Besançon
"A cooperative game approach to integrated healthcare", October 2022, Seminary, GRANEM, Angers
"A cooperative game approach to integrated healthcare", July 2022, European Conference on Game Theory SING, University of Padova (Italy)
"A cooperative game approach to integrated healthcare", June 2022, AFSE, Dijon
"A cooperative game approach to integrated healthcare", May 2022, CRESE Scientific day, Besançon
"A cooperative game approach to integrated healthcare", April 2022, Workshop Games and Optimization, Saint-Etienne
"Assessing the credibility and fairness of international corporate tax harmonization via cooperative game theory", May 2021, CRESE Scientific day, Besançon
"A cooperative game approach to integrated healthcare", October 2020, CRESE Scientific day, Besançon
Referee for scientific review :
Operations Research Letters
Organization of conferences and seminaries :
The 6th annual conference of AFED (Association française de l'Economie du droit) in Besançon (October 2021)
The SING Conference (European conference on Game Theory) in Besançon (July 2024)