
 Advanced Particle Physics, Ecole Polytechnique

Graduate level; First year of master. 2019, 2020 and 2021 (online in 2021).

I was tutor for this course taught by Pascal Paganini. The aim of the course is to give students a good knowledge of the Standard Model of particle physics, describing the elementary particles and their interactions, without neglecting the experimental aspects supporting this model. I was in charge of a group of 15 to 30 students. 

Wave, Optics, and Radiation, Ecole Polytechnique

Undergraduate level; Second year of Bachelor, 2019 and 2020. 

This course taught by Jérome Faure introduces the students to the basics of wave phenomena and focuses, in particular, on optical waves. I was a tutor for this class, in charge of two groups of 15 students. I participated in the design of the course and exams in 2019 when it was first taught and I graded part of the exams.


During my PhD, I mentored a 1st year of masters student, and a 2nd year of bachelor student.

I also gave private tutoring sessions in maths and physics on the LiveMentor platform, and mentored highschool students to help them write a research paper.