The Heroes' Guild is located just south of Burthorpe. The guild is only accessible to members who have completed the Heroes' Quest. Dragon maces and dragon battleaxes can be purchased here, and amulets of glory can be recharged at the fountain.

Double-click to consume.

Spawns a guild banner that will give +15% karma, +15% magic find, +15% experience from kills, +15% gold from kills, +15% increased movement speed, and +15% gathering chance to any ally that touches it for 30 minutes. Does not stack with any other banner boosts.

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Guild Heroes Banner is a guild banner consumable item that can be purchased from Guild Commendation Traders. Consuming it spawns an object of the same name that, upon interacting with it, grants the following effects to the player character for 30 minutes:

As a person that runs OW events quite often.3 guild commendation is something to consider. The most I get from guild missions is 6 per WEEK.Maybe is time to have a way to get banners somehow else? What am I missing? (omitting the crafting).In any other game group buffs were piling in my inventory from dailies and other activities. I don't understand why it is such a problem here.

Maybe we can get those instead of ascended mats sometimes from activity chests? Any other way? Something besides guild commendation.

@"phs.6089" said:omitting the craftingWhy are we omitting scribing as a viable source for a guild banner? That looks to cost about 8g worth of mats. The ones from the commendation vendor are worth roughly 80-100 silver in opportunity costs, so they are cheaper. However, 8g doesn't seem outrageous if it's going to server 50 or 100 people for some event.

Far from established etiquette.On EU at least, there is zero expectation that the commander supplies banners for general OW stuff like bosses and metas. If it is supplied, that's generally by a guild making a coordinated effort, say commanding Tequatl with 3-4 commanders from the same guild.

Yeah, i find it a bit on the expensive side, but it's an alternative.Honestly, i feel that old guild benefits carried over very poorly into the new system, especially with boosts being locked behind owning HoT or not (and not being able to stack).

@ReaverKane.7598 said:i feel that old guild benefits carried over very poorly into the new system, especially with boosts being locked behind owning HoT or not (and not being able to stack).I suspect that this was intended.

Or more precisely: I believe that ANet was attempting to restore their original concept of "guild" as a tool for social organizations with common goals, instead of a source for cheap storage and buffs. In that light, most of the changes make more sense: upgrade costs scale poorly for guilds of fewer than 50 and really horribly for fewer than 20, buffs & decorations require some level of support & cooperation from the members, capturing a hall costs substantial coin and a decent crew, and yeah, it's harder to stack buffs.

As someone with a personal guild with an extended bank (which i use for sigils and runes), i agree that the old system was too easy to upgrade. But, in old Arena Net fashion they went into the other extreme, and not only made plenty of the unlocks more expensive, but after unlocking, most have restrictions they didn't. Like guild boosts, you can only pick one at a time, when in the past you'd stack them all. Banners were usually cheaper, and i stopped recruiting new people because not only was i playing less and less, but every time i gave a new member a tour of the guild hall, i couldn't help but feeling embarrassed when they wanted to try stuff like the boons and the Arena, but they couldn't because either they were still leveling their first character as a F2P intending to buy the expansions after, or they only had bought PoF, which meant they couldn't use stuff like the exp boost when they most need it.

I mean, i'm mostly playing Warframe now. And it has a clan system with a Clan Dojo (which replaces the guild hall), in the dojo you unlock a ton of stuff, including new weapon and warframe blueprints (warframes are kind of like the classes in the game). The way they do it, is somewhat similar to how GW2 used to work. You start with a 10 man limit on your clan, then you can build a barracks which upgrades the clan to hold 30 people, then another for even more, and you go on through 5 tiers (max 100 members). A Ghost Clan (the 10 man) has a x1 requirement multiplier. And as you upgrade the clan to hold more people that multiplier increases up to x10 for the 100 man clans. That means that a small clan builds upgrades for 1/10 of the cost of larger clans.

Guild Wars used to have (or maybe still has it) a similar system to increase the maximum members in a guild. They could have used that as a metric to make things scale better. Or they could have easily just made costs scale with membership. Everything in this game scales, except guilds. But honestly, guilds were always the black sheep of guild wars 2, and i don't expect this to change.

If i was happy with exciting system, I wouldn't be asking for alternative, would I?All methods are overpriced and ovetrtwitsted. My guildies would keep their commendations for themselves juts like many of you do, spending 8 gold n banner that lives 2 hours isn't quite wise and we are back to 6 commendations per week. And again why it's sucha problem?Let us get them somehow else. through dailyes, dundeons, pvp, wvw etc

If all methods of aquisition seem overpriced, that indicates ANet simply haven't designed it to be used as often as you want to.If your guildies won't help out with banners every now and then, why should you supply them? That's a inter-player problem, not a design flaw.

Cooperative storytelling games, or role-playing games, come in many different forms, but the concept is always the same. Players create and control characters within a story that they themselves help to write through their choices, actions, victories and defeats. Another player acts as the Game Master (GM) or narrator of the story, and is charged with challenging the players and constructing the stage upon which their heroes' deeds will take place. The most well known role-playing game - Dungeons and Dragons - features ancient medieval worlds, arcane magics, and fantastical beasts; but that's just one possible setting. Tabletop role-playing games span nearly every genre imaginable, and come in varying levels of complexities and required investment. No matter the system or setting, role-playing games are incredibly fun above all else! In addition to their rewarding nature of play, role-playing games also provide a multitude of social, intellectual, and creative benefits.

You can spend your skill stars here to upgrade the skills of your characters. To upgrade all your characters skills, 177 skill stars are required. At character level 30 you should have accumulated 162 skill stars. The additional stars gained from leveling up your guild title levels with fame should give you enough points to max out a character around level 29-30.

Your guild is leveled up by completing guild achievements. Upon leveling up your guild level, you gain various amounts of gold, ore, and 3 permanent skill points (stars) to spend on upgrading your character's skills.

These skill points will be available to even brand new level 1 characters and are cumulative.

How would you want it to work? Automatic time ban? What is a champion goes rouge one day and boots people, how do you get them back? Manually banning is another option, but more work for guilds to manage and for per-blue to develop it.

Are you the guild leader? If not, and this bothers you, maybe you should find a more stable guild. If you are the leader, change it to application. Also, if it is low level players you are primarily having problems with you can up the required level to only accept more veteran players.

Following Scythe's counsel, Nostro set about returning security and prosperity to Albion. First, he gathered men and women throughout Albion and established the Guild, where they could train to become real Heroes. Meanwhile, Scythe tutored Nostro in the ways of Will. Using his newfound power, along with Scythe's sage counsel, Nostro forced peace on the warring people of Albion. Thus, the Guild of Heroes was born. For a time, it seemed that Albion might return to its former greatness, but those hopes were in vain. Nostro commissioned The Chamber of Fate, but it is unknown if it bore the same title initially or was the original establishment for the guild.[1] The guild began recruiting sons and daughters of Albion and trained them to be real heroes. The recruits shared a similar bond of lineage and used their abilities to aid the common folk in crisis or dismay.

After Nostro's death, Albion continued to grow and thrive, as did the Heroes' Guild. The guild came to be led by a succession of Will users, who individually varied from well-meaning to cruel in their intentions. Eventually, the guild fell under a strict regime of only accepting law-abiding and virtuous quests. In the name of freedom, many Heroes revolted against this resolution. Two among them were young Will users, Weaver and Maze. Much blood was spilt in this short revolt, leaving the number of Heroes, already rare in a world of diminishing Will presence, at its lowest for centuries. Finally, the rebellion succeeded, and the civil war ended. Scythe returned to the guild and proposed Weaver as the new Guildmaster, seeing in him the serene and impartial man he would become. The guild itself adopted a simple code: complete the quest to the letter, ask for payment up front, and obey the local law enforcement unless a Hero is on a quest. The Heroes who graduated from the guild were at times admired and feared by the populace they served.

As Maze sees great potential in the boy, he teleports himself and the boy to the Guild and convinces the Guildmaster to allow him to join the Heroes' Guild, where he would be trained for many years to become a Hero - the greatest of them all. The Hero leaves the guild for the first time since childhood and is given a Guild Seal by the Guildmaster. He then embarks on a journey to discover the reason behind his village's destruction, discovering his destiny, and the true fate of his family along the way. After a time, and after honing his skills, Maze informs the Hero of a blind seeress living among a bandit camp near Oakvale and advises the Hero to infiltrate the bandit camp. To the Hero's surprise, the blind seeress is actually his older sister who was taken in by Twinblade, a former Hero and the present Bandit King. After a showdown with Twinblade, both the Hero and his sister can leave the camp. e24fc04721

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