
My research lines cover the fields of integrable systems, Hamiltonian dynamics and random matrices. In particular, I am interested in the Statistical Mechanic of integrable systems and its relations to Random Matrix Theory.  


G. Mazzuca, R. Memin: CLT for β ensembles at high-temperature, and for integrable systems: a transfer operator approach  - Ann. Henri Poincaré (2024).

In this paper, we prove a polynomial Central Limit Theorem for several integrable models, and for the β ensembles at high-temperature with polynomial potential. Furthermore, we are able to relate the mean values, the variances and the correlations of the moments of these integrable systems with one of the β ensembles. Moreover, we show that for several integrable models, the local functions' space-correlations decay exponentially fast.

G. Mazzuca, T. Grava, T. Kriecherbauer, K. T-R McLaughlin, C. B. Mendl, H. Spohn: Equilibrium Spacetime Correlations of the Toda Lattice on the Hydrodynamic Scale, Journal of Statistical Physical Physics, DOI: 

We report on molecular dynamics simulations of spacetime correlations of the Toda lattice in thermal equilibrium. The correlations of stretch, momentum, and energy are computed numerically over a wide range of pressure and temperature. Our numerical results are compared with the predictions from linearized generalized hydrodynamics on the Euler scale. The system size is N=3000,4000 and time t =600, at which ballistic scaling is well confirmed. With no adjustable parameters, the numerically obtained scaling functions agree with the theory within a precision of less than 3.5%.

G. Mazzuca, and T. Grava: Generalized Gibbs ensemble of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice, circular β-ensemble and double confluent Heun equation Communication in Mathematical Physics. DOI: 10.1007/s00220-023-04642-8

We consider the discrete defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in its integrable version, which is called defocusing Ablowitz-Ladik lattice. We consider initial data sample according to the Generalized Gibbs ensemble for this lattice with periodic boundary conditions with period N. In this setting, the Lax matrix of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice is a random CMV-periodic matrix, and it is related to the Killip-Nenciu circular β-ensemble at high-temperature. Furthermore, we obtain the generalized free energy of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice and the density of states of the random Lax matrix by establishing a mapping to the one-dimensional log-gas. For the Gibbs measure related to the Hamiltonian of the Ablowitz-Ladik flow, we obtain the density of states via a particular solution of the double-confluent Heun equation.

M. Gisonni, T. Grava, G. Gubbiotti, G. Mazzuca: Discrete integrable systems and random Lax matrices. Journal of Statistical Physics 190, Article number: 10 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s10955-022-03024-z  

We study properties of Hamiltonian integrable systems with random initial data by considering their Lax representation. Specifically, we investigate the spectral behaviour of the corresponding Lax matrices when the number N of degrees of freedom of the system goes to infinity and the initial data is sampled according to a properly chosen Gibbs measure. We give an exact description of the limit density of states for the exponential Toda lattice and the Volterra lattice in terms of the Laguerre and antisymmetric Gaussian beta-ensemble in the high temperature regime. For generalizations of the Volterra lattice to short range interactions, called INB additive and multiplicative lattices, the focusing Ablowitz-Ladik lattice and the focusing Schur flow, we derive numerically the density of states. For all these systems, we obtain explicitly the density of states in the ground states.

G. Mazzuca, and R. Memin: Large Deviations for Ablowitz-Ladik lattice, and the Schur flow. Electronic Journal of Probability. DOI: 10.1214/23-EJP941

We consider the Generalized Gibbs ensemble of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice, and the Schur flow. We derive large deviations principles for the distribution of the empirical measures of the equilibrium measures for these ensembles. As a consequence, we deduce their almost sure convergence. Moreover, we are able to characterize their limit in terms of the equilibrium measure of the Circular, and the Jacobi beta ensemble respectively

G. Mazzuca: On the mean Density of States of some matrices related to the beta ensembles and an application to the Toda lattice. Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 043501 (2022). DOI: 10.1063/5.0076539

I introduced some new matrices ensembles related to the classical beta ones. For these new ensembles, I was able to explicitly compute the mean density of states and to study the surrounding fluctuation. As a corollary, I was able to compute the mean density of states of the Toda lattice in thermal equilibrium.

G. Mazzuca, and P.J. Forrester: The classical beta ensembles with beta proportional to 1/N: from loop equations to Dyson's disordered chain. Journal of Mathematical Physics  62, 073505 (2021). DOI: 10.1063/5.0048481 

Exploiting the theory of loop equations, we produced a unifying mechanism to characterize the mean density of states for the beta ensemble, with beta proportional to 1/N. We also characterize the moments and the covariances of monomial linear statistics through recurrence relations. Finally, we define the Gaussian antisymmetric alpha ensemble, and we computed its mean density of states and its mean spectral measure. From the explicit formula, we are able to supplement analytic results obtained by Dyson in the study of the so-called type I disordered chain. 

T. Grava, T. Kriecherbauer, G. Mazzuca, and K. D. T.-R. McLaughlin: Correlation functions for a chain of short range oscillatorsJournal of Statistical Physics (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s10955-021-02735-z  

We show that the decay rate of  the correlation functions of a system of harmonic oscillators with short range interactions  when the initial data is sampled from the Gibbs measure follows generically the Airy scaling,  when one zooms close to the fastest travelling peaks. Further, we study  numerically the decay rate of the correlation functions  for weakly  anharmonic oscillators with short range interactions, showing a transition from Airy scaling to Tracy-Widom scaling. Numerical codes, available at GitHub, are implemented in Python and run on parallel computers.

T. Grava, A. Maspero, G. Mazzuca, and A. Ponno: Adiabatic invariants for the FPUT and Toda chain in the thermodynamic limit. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 380 (2020), pp. 811–851. DOI: 10.1007/s00220-020-03866-2.

We study the periodic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou system as a perturbation of the periodic Toda lattice equations. Exploiting this idea, we show that the Toda integral of motions are adiabatic invariants for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou system in the thermodynamic limit. This result holds in probability with respect to the Gibbs measure of the system.


In recent years, a lot of effort has been put in describing the hydrodynamic behavior of integrable systems. In this paper, we describe such picture for the Volterra lattice. Specifically, we are able to explicitly compute the susceptibility matrix and the current-field correlation matrix in terms of the density of states of the Volterra lattice endowed with a Generalized Gibbs ensemble. Furthermore, we apply the theory of linear Generalized Hydrodynamics to describe the Euler scale behavior of the correlation functions. We anticipate that the solution to the Generalized Hydrodynamics equations develops shocks at $\xi_0 = x/t$; so this linear approximation does not fully describe the behavior of correlation functions. Intrigued but this fact, we performed several numerical investigations which show that, exactly when the solution to the hydrodynamic equations develops shock, the correlation functions show an highly oscillatory behavior. In view of this empirical observation, we believe that at this point $\xi_0$ the diffusive contribution are not sub-leading corrections to the ballistic transport, but they are of the same order.