
Introduction to Accents

Some methods to get accents when you type:

Change your keyboard language

You don't want this option unless you want your brain to hurt. Typing on a different keyboard means retraining your brain to know where all of the keys are. This can be painful and frustrating. Avoid if possible.

Use a combination of key shortcuts to create the accents

Using keycodes works across platforms- that is no matter what program you are using the accent will appear.

Mac- By far the Mac is the easiest for this. The key codes are for the accent so you only need to remember the accent code and then add the letter. These codes work work whether you are on a laptop or desktop.

Chromebook-The Chromebook has codes per letter and is more to remember. There are a few steps you need to take before you can use the key codes on the Chromebook, but you only need to do it once. You may find it easier to use an extension or Add-on for Google Docs. Click here for printable directions for the accents on the Chromebook.

PC- The PC. Oh the PC.

PC with 10 Key Number Pad -If you are using a PC with a 10 key number pad then the accents are simple enough. Be sure the number lock is on and use the key codes. There's a keycode for each letter and accent. So an é has a different code than an è.

PC No 10 Key Number Pad - If you have a PC and no 10 key number pad you can use the Character Map to copy and paste the character you want. Pin the Character Map to your task bar for easy access.

Use and extension or add-on

Add-ons work inside Google Docs and extensions work within the browser (Google Chrome, Firefox.) Install and you can add accents.


You can also start typing and hope that the program recognizes the different language and will underline any word that needs an accent. Then you can right click and add the accent. This is the least effective method for adding accents.

Chrome Extensions

Accent Grid - Install and click and then copy and paste the accent you need into any program. May not have the accent you need.

Add-ons for Google Docs

Easy Accents- To install go to Add-ons>Get Add-ons and then search Easy Accents. Once installed you'll need to go back to Add-ons and start Easy Accents. A sidebar will pop up asking you to chose your language. Click on the accented letter to insert into your document. This will work in Google Docs only, but you can copy and paste into any other document.

Printable Accent Cards

If you are using a Mac laptop, a Chromebook or a PC you can print the slideshow and tape the keycodes to your device. (Four per page.)