Contact info

For Kirsten, Tech and Canvas Support, and Student Resources

Interaction is the key to connection, and there are lots of opportunities to interact with me!

If you need to reach out to me for any reason. I am here for you!

Email is usually the best way to get in touch with me. You may also use my Google Voice # to call and/or text (find my # in our Canvas class). I strive to get back to students within 24 hours during the work week, and by Monday evening for weekend messages.

  • Email:

  • Phone: Office/messages- 209-588-2155

  • Office: Zoom or phone while working remotely, and in upper Manzanita in the Counseling Dept.

  • For office hours, you are welcome to make an appointment. To schedule, please contact me directly, call the Counseling desk at 209-588-5109, or find me and my appointment availability in your Starfish Success Network.

I encourage you to find creative and safe ways to cultivate the human connection that is so important to a good college experience.

Here are some different ways you can connect with me this semester:

  1. Make an appointment for a walk around the college lake or a soda at the snack bar - my treat :).

  2. Set up a Zoom-based office appointment to chat or stop by my office and say hi!

  3. Send me an email, ideally sharing something funny or interesting about yourself. I’ll return the favor!

  4. Suggest a concrete idea for making this class or Middle College even better!

Technology TIPS & REsources

Computer Access & Tech Resources (drop down)

You will need a reliable internet connection and a trusty computer, chrome book or place to access these (like the Columbia College Library). Chrome is the recommended browser for most things Canvas, though Firefox and Safari may also work. We do not recommend Internet Explorer or Edge, as the software is not supported in these browsers.

Find quick links at the top of the main college website to access your student email, Canvas, Starfish, and most other college online tools. You need an email account to access most of our online resources.

  • If you need technical support at any time during the course (especially for Canvas or your student email), please contact the Help Desk: daytime: 209-588-5385; evenings/weekends: 844-243-8405,

  • For Canvas help and tutorials, visit

Assignments and other work stored in Canvas

I would suggest completing assignments in an Office (word, powerpoint--Office 365 available to Columbia students for free!) or Google application (docs, slides), and either linking to or cutting and pasting into Canvas to submit work. Sometimes you may forget to press submit, or if wifi issues block you out, it may dump your work and you cannot get it back from Canvas if that happens. Also, don’t leave important academic work that you would like to keep in old Canvas courses, as you may not have access to it when the class ends.

Support Resources @ Columbia
Columbia College DSPS logo

Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS)

Columbia College is committed to providing access and inclusion for all persons with disabilities. Students with verified disabilities who are registered with DSPS who need specific access in this course, should contact me early so that accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. Students can connect with DSPS in upper Manzanita, call 209-588-5130, or at Through DSPS, course Accessibility Forms may be created and brought or sent to instructors. This process informs instructors of potential access and accommodations that are reasonable. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request.

Columbia College Counseling logo

Academic Counseling (educational/career)

Educational Counseling is designed to help orient students to the college and requirements, programs of study, and to help students make decisions about educational and career goals. Appointments can be made by calling 209-588-5109, visiting, or by finding your Counselor in your Starfish Student Support Network.

Columbia College AAC logo

Academic Achievement Center (AAC)

Tutoring at Columbia College is for all students, not just those who are struggling. Tutoring provides active feedback and practice, and is available for writing, math, and almost every subject we offer, as well as study skills and success strategies. Find the zoom room link to connect with the tutoring center on their website: You can also get more information by calling 209-588-5088 or emailing

Wellness logo to represent Columbia College Health Center

Health & Wellness


The Health and Wellness Center provides free services to all Columbia College students, as physical and mental wellness are key components to student success. Contact number is 209-588-5204, and campus location is Pinyon, right next to the Student Center.

Health Services: Our licenced nurse practitioner can provide community referrals, information on health insurance and many other health topics, some free over the counter medicine like ibuprofen and cough drops, TB skin testing, resting room, and more.

Mental Health Services: For students experiencing stressful or difficult situations that may be interfering with academic progress, personal counseling is available free for enrolled students. For more information or to make an appointment, call the Mental Health Services office at 209-588-5346.