Please note that this site is currently a WIP, which is why you'll see many pages unfinished and/or blank at the moment. We're sorry about this issue!

ALSO! Please remember that all DeviantArt usernames (if any) will be listed as the creator of a character. Keep that in mind.

Welcome, new Guardian!

Oh, it's you! Hello there! I'm Kyubey, the Incubator of the Guardians of Harmony! Wow! You're new, right? So let me introduce you to this world, a world full of magic and friendship.

There are multiple worlds made of stories, not a single universe made of atoms. This is where magic exists and is used by everyone. And by searching for special Chosen Ones called Guardians of Harmony, the friendly (pure good and not evil) Kyubey learns about a very tragic event that is soon to happen thanks to Tenebrosum Leucosia, the evil God of Darkness and Destruction. So, with the help of the feline and Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, it is up to the Guardians to protect the world from the darkness.

Let’s fight for the greater good, together!


Note: As the episodes are published, this section will be updated.

The Heroes

The Allies

The Villains

The Supporters

Now, let the adventure begin!