The lyrics of this song convey a sense of loss and heartache due to the end of a relationship. The singer is struggling to come to terms with the fact that their "guardian angel," or the person who provided them with protection and love, is no longer with them.

"From the start, no return / And things will never be the same" means that the relationship was over from the beginning and that the singer is realizing that their life will never be the same without their partner.

Guardian Angel Song Download

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Go to a quiet room and shut the door to block out other people's energy. Sit still, close your eyes, calm your mind, and ask your higher self for the name of one of your guardian angels. The name will then be placed in your head.

Angels love to send you signs that can improve your life as well as simple reminders of their loving presence. You can ask the guardian angels to send you a sign either by writing this request in your journal, through a more formal prayer, or by briefly meditating on the idea.

When you dedicate a song to your guardian angels, this song becomes their calling card. It will play on the radio whenever your angels want to remind you of their constant presence. You should pick a song that makes you feel comforted, safe, and loved.

As human beings, we all have access to a team of guardian angels. All angels are pure spirits that appreciate when we connect with them, be it through prayer, song, journaling, or whatever medium we feel most comfortable with.

"I remember it like it was yesterday / We were just rebels on the run," Jo sings, reminiscing about good days with the unnamed person and revealing that they were a trouble-making Bonnie & Clyde when they were together. She adds in later that she feels somewhat abandoned by the person, who we assume is a guy, when she says, "Left me stranded, searching for your love."

But it's the chorus that really gives us the chills, because it opens our eyes to the fact that, wow, the guy she's so anxious to find is actually dead. "My guardian angel / Oh help me out / Where can you be, please come back to me / I need my guardian angel / Oh, why'd you go / I won't be in peace till you come back to me / Everybody needs a guardian angel," JoJo sings powerfully.

JoJo really brings the pipes in her search for her 'Guardian Angel.' In this leaked track, the poor girl just can't seem to find what she's looking for -- and it's really starting to get to her.\nRead More 152ee80cbc

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