Instructions for Zoom (adapted from Knot Online Seminar)

To Join the Meeting

  1. You will need to download the Zoom client and join using the meeting number and password.

  2. This meeting is open from xx:xx to xx:xx (İstanbul, Turkey, UTC+3).

  3. After you click “join meeting”:

    • You will be directed to the Zoom meeting room of G&T Workshop Turkey. We encourage you to use your real name as you join. It makes it easier for other participants to communicate with you. You probably want to tick the box join with computer audio, otherwise you won’t be able to hear anything.

    • You will be able to hear and see the speaker, and see their screen/board. You can use the chat to communicate with other participants. Note that you can choose who you send messages to. The speaker will typically not read the chat. To show reaction you may use the non-verbal feed-back buttons at the bottom of the participants window.

Announcements for G&T Workshop Turkey

Global announcement network for research seminars.
Local announcement network for research seminars.
Virtual activities related to low-dimensional topology.