
Changeable parts


All cars have the possibility to change parts of the car without need to install upgrades from the game itself

These are exclusive parts for each pilot. It can be changed from the .VEH file, which it's a file that displays driver information, represented by a skin and causes it to appear in the mod's vehicle list. It can be opened with notepad or similar. Apart it's functionality, there is a line named "Genstring". that's where we can change the car parts. At the moment only the rims and tires can be changed.

These changes are only visual. doesn't improve any car's perfomance



Paintable Driver

As screenshot below, it's the default driver skin. can be paintable through 2 different textures/skins. Driver and Helmet. A very unique touch if you want to make your exclusive and personal driver at all.

On template download's text file, you can find more information about how each texture/skin needs to be named.