Practical info

The conference will take place at the

Plentziako Itsas Estazioa - Estación Marina de Plentzia

Areatza Hiribidea, 47, 48620 Plentzia, Bizkaia

How to get to Plentzia

The fastest way to get to Plentzia from Bilbao city is to take the METRO LINE 1 (direction "Plentzia"). For those staying at the residence Unamuno, you can take the metro in the "Sarriko" metro station. You can take any metro with destination Ibarbengoa, Larrabasterra and/or Plentzia and then change to a train with destination "Plentzia" (the Plentzia metro has 20-minute frequency). 

IMPORTANT: Be advised that the trains of Line 2 (destination Kabiezes and Santurtzi) do not go to Plentzia.

How to get from Plentzia metro station to the venue

Once in Plentzia, you have two options to get to the venue:

By foot

Here the recommended route by feet, just follow the estuary towards the sea, it is very pleasant walk (weather permitting). Otherwise, here you can find directions for the fastest way (20 minutes).

By bus

The second option once in Plentzia is to take the bus number 3499 which leaves Plentzia metro station at XX:18 and XX:38 every hour. Get off at the stop "Puente Busterri


ATTENTION: at XX:58 there is also a bus number 3499, but this does not stop in front of the venue.

For any questions,  do not hesitate to contact us.