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The first half of 2020 has been a roller coaster for all of us. With a hasty move back home to Utah early on in the pandemic, a shift to full-time remote work, and the exciting news that we're expecting a third child this fall, being a father has seemed even more intrinsic to my career than it ever has before.

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When talking to your children about their education options, consider the array of choices and how necessary a college degree is for their career goals; talk through in-state university options and whether a community college or online program could be a better fit financially given current circumstances. Is a private university still worth the cost (and potential six-figure debt) if you remove the physical experience from the equation? There is a path for everyone, and each comes with its own risk. At least for the time being, it might make sense to weigh that risk a bit more carefully.

I wanted to ask - with hubspot payments is there a way for someone to pay and then go to a page to book on my calendar? Or vise versa. Basically I want people to book their consultation time, and then pay. But if they don't pay, I don't want the consultation block to block off my calendar

To piggy back on Kristen's other solution, you could create a form that collects some basic information from the contact, have that form redirect to a payment link (HubSpot checkout experience), and then after checkout, redirect to the meetings tool to book time.

Embedding payments in forms is on our roadmap for 2022 - that feature should make a process like this much easier (e.g fill out the form, add payment method, click submit, redirect to the book a meeting page)

However, you could create a list of contacts who have booked a meeting via your link and segment them by "Closed Won Deals" from the payments tool to identify those who paid for a consultation vs. the contacts who do not have an associated closed-won deal from payments. You can them remove those booked times from your non-paying customers on your calendar.

I find it counterintuitive and frustrating however, that if I am logged in using the BitWarden application on the PC, when opening a browser and trying to login to say, Gmail, it does not recognize that I am logged into that vault in the app.

Further, I have to input my full master password each time I do this. I added a Yubikey in hopes that I could simply authenticate with bitwarden using my physical key. Avoiding having to enter that log tough password every time.

These are legitimate issues I have for fully embracing your software at the moment. To the point that even though I bought premium, I am considering moving back to Enpass until these get addressed. I find them to be that much of a standard option/ability I can get from Enpass, Lastpass, Dashlane, or any others.

Hopefully this is high on the todo list. No one get a PW manager so they can have to type their PW multiple times whenever they login. PW should reduce password entry requirements. This would go a long way.

When bitwarden is unlocked on your computer, one should not have unlock over and over again each time you open a browser. The browser apps need their own log in when they are on devices other than your main computer, like TVs, phones, or other devices. When on your computer the browser app should first look for an unlocked computer bitwarden app before asking to unlock the same app on the browser. Please eliminate this redundancy and you will make all your users very happy.

This would be great. Really the only thing I miss coming from 1Password, and one of the first things I noticed when I tried Bitwarden. I still made the switch, however, because Bitwarden is otherwise excellent.

Here here. I highly second this. And I would also add that pin code login and theme and settings should also travel across devices. I find it counter intuitive to have to set up pin login in each browser on each device.

If you want to rotate your data frequently to view it from different angles, consider creating a PivotTable so that you can quickly pivot your data by dragging fields from the Rows area to the Columns area (or vice versa) in the PivotTable Field List.

Hi All,When try to switch the releases(14.2-15.7-16.0 and vice versa) I am facing an error, I have attached the error messages.I have checked my ENV path(CDSROOT), all are correct is there any other parameters that I have to take care?Also I would like to know more about ENV,TELENV,PCBENV and ALLEGRO_PCBENV.Thanks in advanceRagesh


I have had great success using the Cadence Switch Release executable which has been part of the standard Cadence install for some time now (%CDSROOT%\tools\bin\switchversion.exe). This will list all the Allegro releases at the time of installation and you simply select the release and click OK to update all the paths accordingly.

I have 15.5.1, 15.7 and 16.0 loaded on the same PC and I execute the Cadence Switch Release executable from the last loaded release and select the lower version you would like to run.

The only thing that I have to worry about is the location of the PCBENV directory for each of the releases which can be easily controlled by re-targeting your HOME directory to a different location.

New to SPB 16.0, is a Windows environmental variable (ALLEGRO_PCBENV) that gives the ability to re-target your PCBENV

directory to a different location without having to change you HOME directory.

ENV is the file were all of your customer environmental settings are stored included the changes made in the Preferences Editor (Setup > User Preferences) inside of Allegro.

TELENV is an obsolete variable that is still around for compatibility purposes only and should not longer be used.

PCBENV is the directory where all of your GUI settings (window positions / sizes, recent design lists, etc.) including the location for the ENV File.

ALLEGRO_PCBENV is a Windows environmental variable for 16.X which is used to override the default location of the PCBENV directory (%HOME%/pcbenv)

Hope this helps,

Mike Catrambone

UTStarcom, Inc.

Dr. Niels Pedersen, a distinguished emeritus professor at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and a renowned expert on infectious and immunologic diseases in dogs and cats, addresses the question, "Can pets contract coronavirus from humans or vice versa?"

The more complex answer goes like this: Coronaviruses have adapted themselves by mutation over a period of 50,000 years or more to virtually every species of animal, including humans. They only cause disease in their new species and tend to remain in that species in whatever genetic form that allows adaptation to their new hosts.

The various coronaviruses have been sequenced and their relationship to each other determined. The common cold-causing coronaviruses of humans (OC43, 229E and NL63) are in the alphacoronavirus group, along with the intestinal coronavirus of our pet cats and dogs. The more recently humanized strains of coronavirus, MERS, SARS and COVID-19 have jumped over from the betacoronaviruses of bats, possibly by intermediate infection of other animals such as camels and civet cats. Interestingly, MERS and SARS coronaviruses did not quite make the jump from bats to humans, and died out.

However, the new coronavirus appears to have successfully adapted to humans (i.e., it has become humanized) and is therefore looming as an even more severe disease problem than MERS and SARS. Viruses that have either not fully humanized, or have only recently adapted to humans, tend to cause much more severe disease, as is the case with the MERS-, SARS- and COVID-19.

Although coronaviruses can jump from one host to another, this is a slow process and requires significant genetic change. There is no evidence that coronaviruses of our common veterinary species have entered humans in the recent past or vice versa. However, the tendency for coronaviruses to jump species is an ongoing occurrence and it is possible that a coronavirus from a common pet species such as a cat or dog may enter humans and cause disease sometime in the future. However, if it should ever humanize, it will no longer be a cat or dog virus, but rather a new human virus. The same is true for a coronavirus of humans that decides to change their host species.

Fighting and learning at the same time. I want to set up an automation rule that when a customer updates comments on a JSM ticket, either by email or via the portal, the same comment gets added to the associated JIRA work ticket (assuming one exists).

You could look at setting up a custom link type between the JSM and Jira Work Management projects to limit the scope of the rule.

You can also do something quite cool in the workflows of either app called a "recursive transition" where the transition loops back into the same status, and this appears as an "Action" button on the Jira UI. When you have this transition set up you could add an automation rule to say when an issue transitions from STATUS to STATUS (following your recursive workflow) then create a new issue in Project X and copy the relevant fields across, and set the link type as (whatever your new link type is)

Hope this helps

Thanks Mike - very similar - I actually found one five minutes before you post and after wrangling through the auditing process (damn! that's good) I managed to get it working. I'll post my solution below - I'm sure it will get refined as we go forward. 152ee80cbc

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