

As the workshop is dedicated to young scientists, the registration fee has been set at € 70,00 (140 if payed after May 31) and includes:

Registration is mandatory for participation in the conference, whether as a contributor (via oral presentation or poster), an organizer of a mini symposium, or a listener.

For each contribution, at least one author must be registered. Please note that one registration fee covers only one contribution.

Additionally, at least one mini symposium organizer must be registered. If the organizer is also a contributor, the same registration will cover both the contribution and the mini symposium.

To register, kindly complete the form provided below. Further instructions to complete your registration will be sent (within a couple of days) to the email address provided in the form.

Payment of the registration fee can be made either through a bank wire transfer or via PayPal. These payments are to be directed to the Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sulle Strutture Spaziali e a Guscio, a non-profit association. Therefore, the payment will be formally processed as a charitable donation (erogazione liberale). The receipt you will receive after payment, for charitable donation purposes, is exempt from VAT taxes as per articles 1 and 4 of DPR 26.10.1972 n. 633 and subsequent amendments. Electronic billing is not applicable.