8th Grade HQ

Google Classroom Codes by Cohort:

Humanities with Ms. Cornett

Advisory: 8A1 (8:30AM) and 8A2 (9:00AM)

Zoom Link: https://aspirepublicschools.zoom.us/j/9461138821

Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833; Meeting ID:

E-mail: brittany.cornett@aspirepublicschools.org

Phone Contact: 510-575-9956

PE with Mr. Blue

Zoom Link: https://aspirepublicschools.zoom.us/j/3104829467

Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833; Meeting ID: 3104829467

E-mail: willis.blue@aspirepublicschools.org

Phone Contact: 510-567-9631

Math & Science with Ms. Salma

Advisory: 8C1 (8:30AM) and 8C2 (9:00AM)

Zoom Link: https://aspirepublicschools.zoom.us/j/5496663020?pwd=L3lUbkR2c0poMlJMUWxaRTVRRzZhdz09

Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833; Meeting ID: 549-666-3020; Password: 209

E-mail: salma.lirafonseca@aspirepublicschools.org

Phone Contact: 650-409-6948

ELD with Ms. Marshall

8B: Meets Monday: 10:30 - 11:25

8C: Meets Monday: 9:30 - 10:25

Zoom Link: https://aspirepublicschools.zoom.us/j/9094307282

Zoom Phone: (669) 900-6833; Meeting ID: 909-430-7282#

E-mail: sherri.marshall@aspirepublicschools.org

Phone Contact: 510-853-1271

Additional Important Contacts

Ms. Martinez, MS Dean of Instruction

Alex Congrove, Reading Interventionist & Grade Level Lead

Ms. Ortega, Ed Specialist

Ms. Marisela Ochoa,

Ms. Marshall, Reading Specialist

Ms. Faith, Student Support Manager

Mr. E, Instructional Aide

Mr. Malacapay, Mental Health Counselor

Mrs. Ellis, Mental Health Counselor

Ms. Sara Ortega, Family & Community Partnerships Coordinator

Ms. Merissa, Speech Pathologist