2.6. if Statement with List

Checking for Special Items

Combining lists and if statements can be very beneficial. Let's see an example of ordering alcohol from a restaurant. This is just a simple for loop we learned in the previous section.

However, here, you want to check whether the age is appropriate to order alcohol. Say we cannot serve a kid a beer. We can use if statement inside the for loop.

This time we checked whether age < 21 and item == "beer" is True. Since this is True, we say that this order is not added.

Using Multiple Lists

Supposed the restaurant serves more than one alcoholic drink. In this case, we can use multiple lists in our if. We add an extra list of alcoholic drink.

Exercise 2.6

  1. Car Dealer
    If someone's saving is more than 25000 and their choice is in the stock, then it is possible to buy the car.

    From the provided lists, try to print whether someone can buy a car or not. Here's an example of the output:
    Client Name : Andy
    Client Fund : Insufficient
    Client Choice : Available
    Possible Buy : False

    Client Name : Bobby
    Client Fund : Sufficient
    Client Choice : Unavailable
    Possible Buy : False

    Client Name : Charlie
    Client Fund : Sufficient
    Client Choice : Available
    Possible Buy : True

    A part of the for loop are already done for you.

  2. Ordinal Numbers
    Ordinal numbers indicate their position in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. Most ordinal numbers end in th, except 1, 2, and 3.

    • Store the numbers 1 through 10 in a list.

    • Use an if-elif-else chain inside the loop to print the proper ordinal ending for each number. Your output should be
      1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th