
Textbook: Understanding Symbolic Logic by Virginia Klenk.

Textbook: Recursive Functions by Rózsa Péter, and Part I of Mathematical Logic by J. Donald Monk.

Textbook: The first three chapters of Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic by Peter G. Hinman.

Textbook: Part A of Basic Set Theory by Azriel Levy.

Textbook: Understanding Symbolic Logic by Virginia Klenk.

Textbook: 集合论导引 by 晏成书.

Textbook: Enumerability, Decidability, Computability by Hans Hermes.

Textbook: Part B of Basic Set Theory by Azriel Levy.

Slides: The same with that in 19.

Textbook: Part A of Basic Set Theory by Azriel Levy.

Textbook: Boolean-valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory by John L. Bell.

Slides: The same with that in 17.

Textbook: Saturated Model Theory by Gerald E. Sacks.

Slides: The same with that in 19.

Slides: The same with that in 20.

Textbook: Part B of Basic Set Theory by Azriel Levy.

Slides: IST00, IST01, IST02, IST03, IST04, IST05, IST06.

Slides: IRT00, IRT01, IRT02, IRT03, IRT04, IRT05.

Slides: FOL00, FOL01, FOL02, FOL03, FOL04, FOL05, FOL06, FOL07, FOL08, FOL09.

Slides: IST07, IST08, IST10,

Textbook: A Course in Combinatorics by J. H. van Lint and R. M. Wilson.