Green Sea Floyds Media Center

What's Happening in the GSF Library!

GSF Media Center (1)

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Librarian at GSF Media Center Meagan Boyd

Meet Your Librarian: 

Meagan Boyd

Hello! I am your GSF Media Center librarian. I am here to assist you in all of your reading, research, and technology needs. I am a born and raised member of the Green Sea community, and I love making the GSF library the heart of our school! 


Please stay connected with the GSF Media Center through social media:

Instagram: @gsfmediacenter

Meet Your Librarian Assistant: 

Alison Hardin

Hi! I am your GSF Media Center Library Assistant. I am here to assist you with any of your questions or needs in the library. Please feel free to stop by the desk, and see if I can help you!


Mission Statement:

The mission of the Green Sea Floyds Middle & High School Media Center is to empower students and teachers to be confident readers and users of information.  This mission will be accomplished by:

When collaborating with teachers to prepare lessons, Mrs. Boyd promotes the Standards for the 21st Century Learner from the American Association of School Librarians.  These standards focus on preparing students to become confident information-users and productive society members. 

Quick Links

Library Catalog

SC Discus Databases


HCS Smart Search