Welcome to the GSFE Admins Podcast website. Our goal is to provide links to our podcast episodes, links to items referenced, and more information that either did not make it into the show or came out after the episode aired.

Episode 27

The GSFE Admins are at it again. To celebrate Ground Hog's Day and the eponymously name movie, we will go back over topics that we have discussed before, but may have changed. 2FA, Security Apps, Data Studio, and Chromebooks.

Episode 26

Recorded live from The Midwest Google Summit in the Wisconsin Dells, the Admins talk about password managers, Chrome version 70, and items they learned at the conference.

Episode 25

Recorded in live in front of an audience of IT directors, the Admins discuss their summer projects and start of the school year.

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Episode 24

Live from the Google for Education Technical Conference (GFETC) in the Wisconsin Dells, the Admins talk about how things have been going and what's new in the Admin world.

Episode 23

Live from the GoGuardian Booth at ISTE 2018, the admins discuss the conference and their best of show in the Expo Hall.

Episode 22

It's the end of school year. Where does time go?

In this episode of the podcast, the admins discuss collecting Chromebooks to leaving them in the wild. They also talk about what's new, best practices, and what does summer look like for the Admins?

Guest for the show is Robert Reynolds from GoGuard talking about new technologies in their product line.

Episode 21

Live from the 2018 Nebraska Educational Technology Association Spring Conference. This is our third year at the conference and we appreciate them hosting us.

Acer stops by with their all new Chromebook Tab 10. Have to admit, pretty excited about this.

Episode 20

The Admins are back at it. Discussing new releases, changes, and discoveries in the Admin Console. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, special guest is CYRUS MISTRY! (I really didn't come anywhere near close to forgetting that, I just wanted to add a little drama)

Last Updated 5-29-2018