The 5 Effective Treatments to Get Rid of Bunions in 2023

A bunion is a deformity of the big toe. It can be described as an enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe. This deformity can cause the big toe to point inward, toward the second toe. Bunions are often accompanied by a bony bump on the outer edge of the foot. Bunions can be painful, and they can make it difficult to wear certain shoes.

But there are treatments available that can help relieve pain and improve the appearance of your foot. In this blog post, we will explore the 5 best treatments for bunions. From surgery to physical therapy and more, read on to learn about your options for treatment.


There are several surgical treatments for bunions, and the best option for you will depend on the severity of your bunion and your overall health. The most common type of surgery is called a bunionectomy, which involves removing the bony bump and realigning the bones in your foot. This procedure can be done either with traditional incisions or with minimally invasive techniques. Recovery from a bunionectomy usually takes four to six weeks.

If you have a more severe bunion, you may need a more extensive procedure called an osteotomy. This surgery involves cutting and repositioning the bones in your foot to correct the alignment. An osteotomy can be done with either open or minimally invasive techniques, and recovery typically takes six to eight weeks.

In some cases, surgeons may also recommend fusion surgery, which involves permanently joining two bones together. This is usually only done for very severe bunions that haven't responded to other treatments. Recovery from fusion surgery usually takes three to four months.

Padding and taping

Padding and taping are common treatments for bunions. Padding helps to protect the bunion from pressure and friction while taping helps to hold the big toe in its correct position. Both of these treatments can be done at home and are relatively inexpensive.

Orthotic devices

There are a number of orthotic devices that can be used to treat bunions. Some of these devices are designed to realign the bones in the foot, while others are designed to provide support and cushioning for the foot. Orthotic devices can be purchased over the counter or from a medical supply store.

One type of orthotic device that is commonly used to treat bunions is a bunion splint. This device is worn at night and helps to hold the big toe in its proper position. Bunion splints can be made from a variety of materials, including fabric, foam, gel, and plastic.

Another type of orthotic device that can be used to treat bunions is a bunion pad. This device is placed over the bunion and helps to protect it from pressure and friction. Bunion pads are available in a variety of materials, including gel, foam, silicone, and cloth.

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct a bunion. Surgery involves correcting the alignment of the bones in the foot and removing any excess tissue that has formed around the bunion. Surgery is generally considered a last resort option after all other treatment options have failed.


There are a number of different exercises that can help to treat bunions. To start with, try doing some simple ankle and foot stretches several times a day. This will help to keep the muscles and tendons around the joint flexible and reduce strain on the joint. You can also do toe exercises, such as picking up a towel with your toes or spreading your toes apart with your fingers.

Another great exercise for bunions is walking barefoot on soft surfaces, such as sand or grass. This helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons around the joint. If you have pain when walking, try wearing bunion pads or splints to help take pressure off the joint.

Of course, always check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have pain or swelling in the joint.

Changes in footwear

The most important thing you can do to treat your bunions is to wear the right shoes. An important aspect of choosing the right athletic shoes for bunions is to look for shoes with a wide toe box that doesn't put pressure on the big toe joint. Avoid high heels, pointy toes, and any shoe that squeezes the foot into an unnatural shape.

When to see a doctor?

If you have a bunion, you may not need to see a doctor. Some bunions can be treated with home remedies. But if your bunion is painful or getting worse, you may need medical treatment. You should see a doctor if:

  • Your bunion is causing pain that interferes with your daily activities.

  • Your bunion is getting worse, despite home treatment.

  • You have arthritis in your foot or another condition that makes it difficult to treat your bunion at home.

  • Your toe points so much that it rubs against the inside of your shoe, causing pain or sores.


If you have a bunion, there are a number of different treatment options available to you. Some treatments are more invasive than others, but all of them can be effective in reducing pain and discomfort. We hope that this article has helped you learn more about the different treatment options for bunions and that you find the information helpful in making a decision about which treatment is right for you.