11th Annual Dublin Girl Scouts Knitting Clinic

Why hold a Virtual Knitting Clinic?

In 2011, the Knitting Clinic was born out of support for Cadette Troop Leader Liza Magee as she went through treatment for Leukemia. It also allows Dublin Girl Scouts to participate in the annual “Make a Difference Day” program. This has proudly become an annual event, where we all make a difference by gathering to teach and learn knitting and then giving our knit donations to the James Cancer Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

What kinds of knitting can you do?

Instructional videos are available for finger knitting, loom knitting, and needle knitting. Feel free to try one or all styles! You can use these knitting methods to make many things, but our emphasis is on teaching to make hats that can be donated to those battling cancer. There is also information on how to use finger knitting to create cancer awareness pins.

Don't think the younger girls will be able to knit?

There is something for everyone. Kindergarteners and first graders pick up finger knitting pretty quickly. By second grade, looms are a great choice.

Requesting Teaching Assistance

Since we cannot meet as a large group to provide instruction this year, we are making teachers available to work with individual troops during this knitting season. To request a teacher for a meeting between November 8 and January 17, please fill out this form: Knitting Clinic Teacher Request Form.

Teachers may be adults or older Girl Scouts; neither can be used to satisfy meeting safety wise ratios. Please make sure you have the appropriate number of adults for your meeting-or better yet, invite extra adults to learn and help!

Looms are not available for check out this year. See the Supply page for information on what is needed so that you have items prior to the meeting.

Donating Completed Projects

Once you’ve learned how to knit, finish your creations and drop them off to Carina by February 1, 2022. All items will be donated to The James Cancer Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.