About me

I am an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw and an economic advisor at Narodowy Bank Polski.  I used to be an economist at the European Central Bank, an assistant professor at the Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences, a lecturer at Faculty of Management (University of Warsaw) and a teaching assistant at the Warsaw School of Economics. My primary research interests are: international and monetary economics.  

News (last 2 years)

September 2023. Article "Recent advances in the literature on capital flow management" co-authored by me published in European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series 

June/July/September 2023. Presenting the article "Does it matter if the Fed goes conventional or unconventional?" (with Marcin Kolasa) at conferences

March 2023. Article "Quantitative Easing in the US and Financial Cycles in Emerging Markets" (with Marcin Kolasa) published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

May 2022. Call for papers for 4th Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference at Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland. Keynote speakers: Hélène Rey and Ricardo Reis

Link to the conference webpage: CfP - 4th Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference (uw.edu.pl)

I am a co-chair of the Scientific committee.

February 2022. Article "International information flows, sentiments, and cross-country business cycle fluctuations" (with Michał Brzoza-Brzezina and Jacek Kotłowski) published in Review of International Economics

February 2022. Article "The Great Lockdown: information, noise and macroeconomic fluctuations" (with Michał Brzoza-Brzezina) published in Macroeconomic Dynamics

Link to the article: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/macroeconomic-dynamics/article/abs/great-lockdown-information-noise-and-macroeconomic-fluctuations/6D7BA3E54031DB773AC53BE07A647046

October 2021. Presenting the paper "The Great Lockdown: information, noise and macroeconomic fluctuations" (with Michał Brzoza-Brzezina) at 24th CENTRAL BANK MACROECONOMIC MODELING WORKSHOP 

Conference programme available at: 
