Winter PhD school on Advanced methods for mathematical image analysis

Duration and dates: 32 hours in January/February 2022, see the schedule below.

Teaching language: English.

Organisers: Giunta MIVA.

Structure: course composed of four blocks taught each in an Italian institution (UnInsubria, UniMoRe, UniBo, UniGe). The course will take place in a blended format where, for each block, it will be possible to attend classes “in presence” or by means of online platforms. This is expected to make the course more accessible to a larger audience spread all around Italy.

Registration: The registration is free, but mandatory.

Some travel funding is available for students: if you would like to apply please tick the corresponding box in the form above. Priority will be given to 1st year PhD student. The deadline for funding is December 5th 2021.

This webpage will be frequently updated with more information and details, please check it regularly.

Short schedule

Course contents and detailed schedule

1st block (31/01-02/02) - University of Insubria (click for details)

Topics: Introduction to inverse problems in imaging, singular value decomposition, regularization theory, Tikhonov filters, iterative regularization methods, structured matrices. Fourier transform in discrete setting (DFT, FFT), wavelet representation of signals, sparsity.

Location: Aula VA3 Floor -1, DISAT - Univ. Insubria, Via Valleggio, 11 - Como.


31/01 (10:00-12:00 theory, 14:30-16:30 lab) - Marco Donatelli (UnInsubria)

02/02 (10:00-12:00 theory, 14:30-16:30 lab) - Tatiana Bubba (University of Bath, UK)

2nd block (7-8/02) - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (click for details)

Topics: Numerical optimization methods in imaging: gradient-type and proximal algorithms in smooth/non-smooth optimization, variable metric techniques, inertial techniques, inexact computation of proximal points, non-convex optimization problems.

Location: Room M0.2, Department of Mathematics, via Campi 213/b, Modena.


07/02 (10:30-12:30 theory, 14:30-16:30 lab) - Luca Calatroni (CNRS, France)

08/02 (10:30-12:30 theory, 14:30-16:30 lab) - Simone Rebegoldi (University of Florence)

3rd block (14-15/02) - University of Genoa (click for details)

Topics: Introduction to supervised learning, local methods, empirical risk minimization, kernel methods, variable selection, dimensionality reduction, introduction to computer vision, filtering and feature detection, introduction to deep learning, fully connected and convolutional neural networks, image classification and applications to human pose estimation.

Location: Room 706, Department of Mathematics, Via Dodecaneso 35, Genova.


14/02 (14:00-18:00) - Cesare Molinari (MaLGa Center, University of Genova)

15/02 (9:00-13:00) - Francesca Odone & Vito Paolo Pastore (MaLGa Center, University of Genova)

4th block (24-25/02) - University of Bologna (click for details)

Topics: Introduction to statistical inverse problems, maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator, Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM), application to imaging inverse problems; image restoration and image reconstruction problems, segmentation, inpainting.

Location: room Arzelà, 5th floor, Department of Mathematics, Piazza di Porta S. Donato 5, Bologna.


24/02 (14:00 - 18:00) - Alessandro Lanza (University of Bologna)

25/02 (9:00 - 13:00) - Alessandro Lanza (University of Bologna)

The event is co-funded by the National Group on Scientific Calculus (GNCS), INdAM.