Geometric Representation Theory Seminar
Yau Mathematical Science Center, Tsinghua University
2025 Spring
Organizers: Lin Chen, Will Donovan, Penghui Li, Peng Shan, Changjian Su, Wenbin Yan
Time: 3:30 pm -- 4:30 pm, Friday
Place: Lecture Hall B626, Shuangqing Complex Building(双清综合楼B626报告厅), Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University
official seminar webpage, which contains the zoom information for online talks
02/21 Robert McRae (YMSC)
Tensor structure on the Kazhdan-Lusztig category of affine $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ at admissible levels
For a simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ and a level $k$, the Kazhdan-Lusztig category $KL_k(\mathfrak{g})$ is the category of finite-length modules for the affine Lie algebra of $\mathfrak{g}$ at level $k$ whose composition factors have highest weights which are dominant integral for the subalgebra $\mathfrak{g}$. In this talk, I will discuss joint work with Jinwei Yang showing that $KL_k(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ is a non-rigid braided tensor category when $k=-2+\frac{p}{q}$ is admissible, and that there is an exact and essentially surjective (but not quite full or faithful) tensor functor from $KL_k(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ to the non-semisimple category of finite dimensional weight modules for Lusztig's big quantum group of $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ at the root of unity $e^{\pi i q/p}$. I will also discuss prospects for extending such results to higher rank $\mathfrak{g}$.
03/07 Huanhuan Yu (BICMR)
A refinement of the Coherence Conjecture of Pappas-Rapoport
The Coherence Conjecture of Pappas-Rapoport, proven by X. Zhu, establishes a relationship between the geometry of different affine Schubert varieties, notably providing dimension equalities for the sections of line bundles on (unions of) affine Schubert varieties in different affine partial flag varieties. In this talk, I will present a refinement of this conjecture, demonstrating that these spaces of global sections are isomorphic as representations of certain group. I will also discuss applications of this result, particularly to affine Demazure modules, accompanied by concrete examples. This is joint work with Jiuzu Hong.
03/14 Konstantin Jakob (TU Darmstadt)
Counting absolutely indecomposable G-bundles
About 10 years ago, Schiffmann proved that the number of absolutely indecomposable vector bundles on a curve over a finite field (with degree coprime to the rank) is equal to the number of stable Higgs bundles of the same rank and degree (up to a power of q). Dobrovolska, Ginzburg and Travkin gave another proof of this result in a slightly different formulation, but neither proof generalizes in an obvious way to G-bundles for other reductive groups G. In joint work with Zhiwei Yun, we generalize the above results to G-bundles. Namely, we express the number of absolutely indecomposable G-bundles on a curve X over a finite field in terms of the cohomology of the moduli stack of stable parabolic G-Higgs bundles on X.
03/21 Tomasz Przezdziecki (University of Edinburgh)
03/28 Jianrong Li (University of Vienna)
Cluster structures on spinor helicity and momentum twistor varieties
We study cluster structures on spinor helicity and momentum twistor varieties which describe the kinematic spaces of massless scattering. Both varieties are certain partial flag varieties. We exhibit embeddings of the corresponding cluster algebras into cluster algebras of sufficiently large Grassmannians and show how the former is obtained by freezing certain cluster variables from the latter. This is joint work with Lara Bossinger.
04/04 Henry Liu (IPMU)
04/11 Mengxue Yang (IPMU)
Conformal limit on Cayley components
In 2014, Gaiotto conjectured that there is a biholomorphism between Hitchin components and spaces of opers on a punctured sphere via a scaling limit called the $\hbar$-conformal limit. On a compact Riemann surface of $g \ge 2$, this biholomorphism has been proven in 2016. Motivated by the study of higher Teichm\"uller spaces, we may view the Hitchin components as a part of a larger family of special components called Cayley components. I will talk about the Cayley components and propose their conformal limit to be the generalized notion of opers of Collier—Sanders.
06/20 Vasily Krylov (Harvard/CMSA)
seminar arxiv: 2024 Fall, 2024 Spring, 2023 Fall, 2023 Spring, 2022 Fall, official page