Seema Prisha

Seema is an Electronics Engineering Graduate and IT Professional with 13 years of work experience in MNCs like TCS, DELPHI, BOSCH, IBM and DELL.

Her life took a beautiful turn on the 19th of March, 2010 when she was blessed with an adorable baby girl, Prisha and she stepped aside from her career track to revere and cherish every bit of motherhood that was bestowed upon her.

What she thought would be a blissful joy ride, soon turned into a ghastly storm within 10 months as her baby was diagnosed with a life threatening blood disorder, THALASSEMIA MAJOR which meant that her baby’s body could never make blood on her own and would forever be dependent on blood transfusions to survive.

In just a moment, all her achievements - academic qualifications, career accomplishments, financial status and social status evaporated into thin air failing to give the strength that this mother needed to face this deadly storm.

She was wrestling endless anguish and helplessness of witnessing her tiny baby battling excruciating pain and trauma of pokes and needles every few weeks. Shattered to her core, she relentlessly failed to stand strong for her child until she knew that she could simply stand it no more.

Having hit her absolute rock bottom, she could either stay there forever or she could rise... She knew that staying there was not an option as she just couldn’t give up! She had to rise for her child and she was becoming increasingly desperate to do that! She was experiencing such an insatiable longing within herself which was cracking up her core and compelling her to give up being a caterpillar any longer since she was earnestly craving to fly! In those moments, a complete dissolution of what she was had begun...

It felt as if the whole universe started conspiring through unexpected sources to help this mother who was desperately resolved to grow strong for her child. She was awakening to a deeper spiritual understanding about life and was experiencing the most momentous turning point in her life! What she was experiencing almost felt like a miracle, a complete turnaround in her perspective which was empowering her to perceive the exact same situations she was facing through completely new eyes.

The metamorphosis had begun and the dissolution of the dormant caterpillar was now giving birth to a vibrant butterfly... She was all set on a journey of self-transformation through practical application of spirituality. It was as if she had gotten attuned to a completely new frequency now and had begun to live at an entirely different level of consciousness than before!

Even more astounding was the fact that what Seema was experimenting and applying to life, her little Prisha, only 3 years old then, was instinctively living that already and teaching her the exact same lessons in her own beautiful innocent ways! Seema was deeply humbled, awe-inspired and intrigued at how she never ever noticed what she was witnessing now. Her greatest teacher was right in front of her eyes and in her arms and was giving her lessons for life.

Prisha underwent HAPLO-MOTHER BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT at Birmingham Children’s Hospital in the UK at 4 years of age and got free from the clutches of the deadly disease. Seema was able to stand like a rock for her child as she witnessed her super-strong child braving through the Haplo-mother BMT which is quoted as ‘one of the most tortuous treatments in medical history’ and Prisha became an inspiration for children and their parents battling this deadly disease all over the world.

Having been through such arduous trauma that the Haplo-mother BMT involved, she felt with a deep conviction, that there just couldn’t be any more physical suffering for her child in this life.

But even before the sweetness of the immense contentment and unbounded gratitude of seeing her precious child free from the clutches of the deadly disease had dimmed, and just when life was finally coming back on track 2 years post BMT, Prisha got diagnosed with two rare forms of MALIGNANCIES (PNET of the kidney and PTLD) both at the same time! It was as if the universe was hell-bent to test how much maximum physical torture a super strong little child could endure and how high her mother’s strength could soar to stand strong for her child without losing her smile and if at all they still had the spirits to dance through even deadlier lashing rains and stormy tides!

The way all the storms had carved them, they just didn’t know how to give up and they kept standing strong, emerging stronger and shining brighter after every storm life kept hurling at them.

And, as if the strength already shining through this mother’s heart was not enough, the universe soon gave her the most horrendous test a mother could ever have to face in her life – to have her heart stripped-off of her precious child!

And yes, this mother still doesn’t know how to give up!

Looking at millions of children all over the world going through storms in the hospitals just like her little girl went can she just give up?!

She’s once again, standing like a rock, not only for her child but for every such child in the world going through storms in the hospitals like her little girl went through and for their loving parents yearning to stand strong for their children.

She’s all set on a journey to spread the light that her little Prisha has instilled in her heart to every corner of the world where someone is struggling to see the light through their darkest nights.

‘Seema Prisha’ is her chosen pen-name, for all that she is she owes it to her precious Prisha.

She hasn’t lost her child. She has gained.

Through her, PRISHA LIVES ON......