Benning Road Community Garden

This year #GroWithLisa's Community Grow Project is restoring Benning Park Community Garden in Ward 7. The garden was established by Washington D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and meant to be managed by the community. At some point (like most neighborhood issues) it was forgotten. After 2 seasons of no production #GroWithLisa is determined to rehabilitate the space making it a functioning part of the Marshall Heights Community.


Creating the connection to the land and community as a way to bring people together is the main goal of the #GroWithlisa Community Projects. The 2018 restoration of Benning Park Community Garden project is also to create an attainable solution to the food desert issue plaguing the Ward 7 community. With a garden (created by DPR) available but not being used #GroWithLisa and her team of growers sprung into action to get the space cleaned up and necessary produce growing!


In Ward 7 where purchasing quality food can be an issue, growing it however isn't as difficult. By arming her community with education and access to gardening in hopes to INSPIRE people to think outside the box and take control of their own circumstances, when possible, is the drive behind every #growithLisa Community Project.


In the Nations capitol, Ward 7, there are limited healthy food options as well as income disparities that prevent access to healthy food by the citizen that live and pay taxes there. Allowing them access to a space created just for that purpose helps improve their overall lives.

GROWing your own food has many health benefits:

It helps you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

You decide what kinds of fertilizers and pesticides come in contact with your food.

It lets you control when to harvest your food. Vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients than some store-bought vegetables that must be picked early.

Source: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/backyard-gardening-grow-your-own-food-improve-your-health-201206294984

Help ward 7 CREATE a safe environment that INSPIREs its community to GROW by donating TODAY!