Learning Resources

Doug Tallamy's book, "Nature's Best Hope," and his ongoing work were the inspiration for creating this tour. Tallamy urges us to consider our role in sustaining biodiversity and to act accordingly:

"Everyone who owns land has a golden opportunity to enhance, rather than degrade, local ecosystems by including ecological function as a criterion when we choose landscape plants. And everyone who does not own land can become a player in the future of conservation by volunteering for a local park or land conservancy. 

The four ecological functions that all landscapes need to perform are: 1) support a diverse and complex food web; 2) manage local watersheds; 3) move carbon from the atmosphere to the soil; and, 4) provide food and housing for as many species of native bees as possible."

-excerpted from Doug Tallamy's recent essay, Gardening For Life

If you haven't heard of Dr. Tallamy or read his books, this lecture he gave to Google is a great place to start. More favorite resources for learning the why and how of supporting biodiversity in our residential yards are listed below. Have a favorite resource that's not listed here? Let us know


Our Partners:

Other Local Organizations:

National Organizations

Other Websites, Articles, Fact Sheets

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources:

Soft Landings - how and why to create "soft landings" under keystone plants in order to "provide critical shelter and habitat for one or more life cycle stages of moths, butterflies, and beneficial insects." This is part of a broader website by author and biologist Heather Holm, who provides several resources on supporting pollinators, including region-specific planting lists

Audubon Society - Plants for Birds and How to Make Your Yard Bird Friendly

Rebecca McMackin/Ecological Horticulture - Her occasional newsletter is a fantastic resource! View past newsletters here. Rebecca also has delivered several excellent online lectures recently, including this one on pollination ecology

Brooklyn Bridge Park Mulching Guide (PDF)

Monarch Nectar Plants for the Mid-Atlantic (PDF by the National Wildlife Federation

Webinars, Videos, and Podcasts

Grow Native Massachusetts Expert Video Series - a fantastic lineup of recorded lectures on a wide variety of topics related to ecological landscaping. Be sure to check out their other great resources while you're there. 

Ohio State University "Tending Nature" Speaker Series and Bumblebee Short Course for Community Scientists

Cultivating Place - Although produced in California, this podcast covers a lot of topics in the spirit of ecological landscaping. 


Coming soon.