Centre Region
Growing Greener
Garden Tour
Showcasing habitat-friendly yards and gardens in the Centre Region
This year's tour took place on June 10th. Thanks to those who joined us! Join our mailing list to learn about future events.
About the Event
This one-day event is designed to showcase habitat-friendly landscaping practices in the State College area and to inspire and empower participants to adopt a similar approach in their own yards. This year’s event took place on Saturday, June 10th in the Boalsburg area of the region. Thanks to those who joined us! Join our mailing list to learn about future garden tours and related opportunities!
This Year's Gardens
Our sincere thanks to this year's garden hosts, who graciously volunteered to open their yards to share their experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm! The four yards featured this year offered tour participants an opportunity to see habitat-friendly residential landscaping in several different contexts, including a large sunny lot, a smaller sunny lot, a large lot with both sun and shade, and a pollinator meadow.
Why a Tour?
Residential landowners can help offset widespread habitat loss by providing habitat critical to birds, pollinators, and other wildlife. However, many landowners may not know where to begin, or may want to see how native plants can be used in the home landscape. Access to local examples will help inspire more widespread adoption of habitat-friendly yards. Learn more about habitat-friendly landscaping:
This event is being organized as a service project for the Pennsylvania Master Naturalist program, which is a statewide partnership initiative that connects people with their local ecosystems through intensive natural science training and local conservation service work. Master Naturalist Volunteer Kristen Devlin is leading the effort of planning this tour, in partnership with the ClearWater Conservancy, the Pennsylvania Native Plant Society, and Sustainable Centre Region. Learn more about partner organizations here. For questions, please contact Kristen Devlin.