About The Founder

Bridging Passion, Technology, and Education: The Journey of Bradley Miller

From the vibrant classrooms of K-12 to the forefront of educational technology innovation in Victoria, BC, Bradley's journey is one of relentless pursuit of making education more accessible, personalized, and meaningful. With a Master of Educational Technology and seven years of hands-on experience teaching diverse and mixed-grade groups, Bradley has witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities that define modern education.

A Problem Worth Solving

Throughout his teaching career, Bradley encountered a recurring challenge: the loss of valuable learning evidence with each transition students made from one grade to the next. This gap not only hindered the ability to deliver personalized learning experiences from day one but also made parent-teacher interactions and report card assessments more daunting than they needed to be. With a penchant for utilizing technology to create engaging learning experiences, Bradley envisioned a solution that could transform these challenges into opportunities for growth and understanding. Thus, Growfolio was born—a digital learning portfolio that promises to revolutionize how educational achievements are tracked, celebrated, and utilized.

The Vision Behind Growfolio

Growfolio is not just a digital portfolio; it is a testament to Bradley’s belief in the transformative power of technology in education. It’s designed to automate the time-consuming aspects of tracking student progress, making the teacher’s role more sustainable and fulfilling. Beyond easing administrative burdens, Growfolio aims to foster a growth mindset among students by visually demonstrating their progress and achievements, thus enhancing self-efficacy and resilience.

With Growfolio, Bradley seeks to address the inadequacies of existing systems like British Columbia's MyEd by offering a user-friendly, customizable, and comprehensive platform for students, parents, and educators alike. It’s about giving every stakeholder in the educational process the tools they need to succeed, from year to year and beyond.

A Future Focused on Growth

Bradley's immediate goals for Growfolio include building the intial platform that enables the creation of student profiles by teachers or parents/students, incorporating categories and subjects for assignments, and developing an integrated gradebook and portfolio system. But the vision extends far beyond these initial features. Bradley envisions Growfolio becoming an indispensable tool for personalized learning, career guidance, and streamlining educational transitions, as well as reducing the labour of his fellow educators. 

Engagement and Recognition

Bradley is not alone in this journey. Supported by a network of tech-enthused educators and recognized as a leader in curriculum design and educational advocacy, Bradley actively participates in professional development workshops, presentations, and communities of practice. His work has been acknowledged for its innovative approach and dedication to enhancing the educational landscape.