
Below are a list of volunteer opportunities; you're invited to sign up for a beginning and/or closing shift for the day! Most slots span 30 minutes before and after the day's conclusion to ensure time for setup and take down from the day's events.

Ready to join the team?

All volunteers are invited to a Volunteer Orientation Wednesday, April 24 from 6-7:15p at The Grove. We'll talk big-picture information, and then transition to break out for a more detailed orientation time. 

Info Booth Hosts

Host an assigned area or room on campus for those with specific questions. Each host will be equipped with specific room and rental notes for grand opening guests! There will be at least 2 info hosts to each space.

Activity Facilitators

Host and participate in an activity on campus. There will be at least 2 facilitators per activity space. Activities to be facilitated include: 

Tour Guides

Help grand opening guests learn more about The Grove and the new resources on campus! These may be full-campus tours or specialized to guest interests.


Help be the first welcome during The Grove grand opening. Welcomers will be stationed around the main entry and may assist with parking, handing out brochures, and guiding people to various events and activities. Current welcome-team members encouraged.

Meal Assistants

Assist with the free community lunch! Shifts vary for preparers, servers, and clean up crew. Meal to end at 2pm for time to wrap everything up for the day. 

Media Technicians

Help make our live musicians sound their best! Media technicians will be stationed in the large group space. Individuals with current knowledge of space setup preferred.

Event Photographer & Videographer

Help capture the special celebration! Previous experience preferred, but not required. Ability to share highlight content within 1 week of the event preferred.

Safety Staff

Assist with a safety-mindset during the grand opening and/or commit to being our final sweep staff for the event's close. Those with emergency response background preferred.


Be ready to assist throughout the campus! Floaters to be assigned to various areas for assisting with breaks, emergencies, and general needs.

Donate or Sponsor Supplies

Those who can't make it on the celebration day are welcome to help donate or sponsor items and supplies. Donation details on signups. 

Ready to join the team?

Have questions?

Email Faith Fehlen: faith@newheightslc.org
Call the Main Office: 608-767-2247