Project 2:Solar System

Jamie's Tasks

3D view of our Solar System, Side by side view of another Solar System


  1. Change scale of Orbits
  2. Change scale of Time
  3. change planet size
  4. go back to default location
  5. Display scale values on menu cube

Lei's Tasks



    1. Change scale of orbits
    2. Change planet size

Vita's Tasks

-Data file


    1. Create datafile
    2. simultaneously display 40 2D planetary systems read from a data file
    3. In 2D view display the name of the planetary system, distance from our solar system in light years, the type of star, how the planets were discovered, and current identifying name for each planet

Descriptions on how to use our application:

  • In the beginning, the 2D view shows up for select.
  • When 2D view is selected, the 3D view shows up immediately. To select a 2D view to be seen in 3D, press the trackpad on the right controller and point the laser at the sun of the 2D view. It should spawn directly beneath the already seen in 3D system.
  • To scale the 3D view, point the right controller to the "upper sun" of the 3D view. The menu cube should now be showing on the left controller. Point at the buttons on the cube menu using the laser on the wand to change the scales of size of the planets, rotation speed of planets, the orbit size in 3D views as well as the size of the orbit, the size of the habitable zone in the 2D views ( see picture below) . Change the views to proper scales to make the comparison easier.
  • 2D view shows the basic information of the planetary system including the name of the star, distance from our solar system in light years, the type of star, how the planets were discovered, and current identifying name for each planet and we can use the application to compare different planetary systems both in 2D and 3D views.
  • Users fly around to view the information. The menu button on the left wand put the user to default location.

Menu Cube

  • use the right controller trigger and shoot a laser to the buttons on the menu cube. Each side has a "-" and "+" button to increase/decrease each scale. The percentage will show up on the number below and on the 4th side.

Things we learned

As students who had no prior knowledge of astronomy, we learned a lot of new information about the solar systems and planets.

We learned that our star is one of at least 1-billion stars and there exist many more multiplanetary systems. Using our application, we can visualize the universe and compare different systems to each other and to our system. We can compare the speed of all the planets, the distance form its star, and the size. Since we can scale orbits and planets, we can see how much larger or smaller is one system compering to a different system.

Using our application, we also learned potentially habitable exoplanets. Since our application displays the habitable zone of each solar system, if the planet is found within that zone, is can possible be habitable.

Lastly, in our application we can see the discovery method. There are two methods to discover planets: transit and radical velocity. Transit is a method that detects distant planets by measuring the minute dimming of a star as an orbiting planet passes between it and the Earth. Radical velocity is a method that relies on the fact that star does not remain completely stationary when it is orbited by a planet.

To sum up, our application can be a useful tool to learn about the solar systems, as well as a tool to visualize the galaxy.

How to Build Application

Steps to build this application in the classroom PC :

    • Locate the folder folder on the desktop named 491VRAR_Project 2.
    • Run the executable file using Unity 3D
    • Make sure the Wands are on
    • Navigate through the application using Wands.
